Add location to Facebook Business Page

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The data speaks for itself. Local Facebook Pages receive 66 percent of content impressions and 72 percent of engagements compared to corporate portfolio pages. Having pages for each store location on Facebook is a must. Every business and store added on Facebook is represented by a Page. Before adding store locations to your Facebook Page, your multi-location business must already have the main Page created. Facebook lays out step-by-step instructions on creating the primary Facebook Page that will represent your business here. 

Once you have your business’s Facebook Page set up, you can begin adding store locations. To set up your stores with Facebook:

  • Open Store Locations in Facebook’s Business Manager
  • Select the Facebook Page that you would like to add store locations too
  • Under “Manage Store Details,” select “add stores.”
  • You can then begin adding a store location. The store location will have the name of your central Facebook Page along with the location. 

There are four ways you can add a store location once you get to this step. 

  1. You can add a store location manually. Facebook recommends this for businesses with less than ten store locations. 
  2. Multi-location businesses can also add multiple store locations at once through a spreadsheet template. You can find more details on that here. Uploading your store locations through a spreadsheet is recommended for companies with more than 10 locations. 
  3. If you already have an existing location not connected to your main Facebook page, you can also select the location and connect it. 
  4. Finally, you can connect a page via API. This option is best suited for developers who can use the API to add store details automatically.

Once you have completed adding the store location, you can select the “Download Locations” button to get an excel spreadsheet of all the business locations connected to your Facebook page. When adding your store locations, it’s important to ensure that the information included is the most updated and accurate business information to avoid consumer confusion. To edit any of the details included on your store locations, go back to the “Manage Store Details,” select the store you would like to edit, and begin making changes such as editing store hours and making temporary service changes.

Why should you have multiple locations on a Facebook Business page?

Having all your locations on a Facebook Business page is an excellent deal for many reasons. Here we name a few:

Customers can find your locations easily

Facebook is the most popular social networking platform available online. That is why displaying all of your locations on your Facebook business page is crucial so customers can find their nearest location.

Manage all locations in one dashboard

For business managers, Facebook Business is also a helpful tool for managing multiple locations. One dashboard gathers all your information about your locations’ addresses, contact details, relevant user data, and interactions.

Have content and reviews specifically for each location

Your multiple locations can have single pages and a personalized strategy according to their needs. As a business owner, you can offer different content and manage reviews or ads specifically for each location. And all that information is integrated into one Facebook Business account.

Other FacebookTips for Business Owners with Multiple Locations

To make your multiple location business successful, you might also invest in other relevant strategies to increase your results and credibility.

Try to answer all your page reviews (or at least the most important ones)

Reviews are an essential social proof your business can offer about their services or products. And on Facebook Business, it is easy for users and customers to use this feature to give their opinions and help other potential buyers.

Those same reviews can help increase your business credibility, especially when you take the time to acknowledge the customer’s opinion and give them a proper answer about the subject they are talking about.

So, no matter if you face a good or a bad review about your business, it is crucial always to make an extra effort to answer them. If you manage to cover all comments and reviews, that is great. But if not, do answer the most relevant questions that can impact your business credibility and customer satisfaction.

Create personalized ads for your locations

Creating localized ads and marketing campaigns is one of the benefits of having a Facebook Business account for your multiple locations. That way, you can create and manage different advertising campaigns tailored to the specific audience of a particular business location.

Use Facebook as a news and content channel to your audience

Many business owners have a Facebook Business page but don’t use this channel as an opportunity to connect with their audience. Since users will start visiting your pages looking for business information, do make an effort to offer them relevant and updated content on your feeds, helping them engage with your services and brand.

FAQ on Facebook Business Page Multiple Locations

Can a Facebook Page have multiple locations?

Facebook Business pages can add multiple locations to one single page and manage all information through the same user dashboard with a tool like Storemapper.

Should a business have more than one Facebook page?

The decision to have one or multiple Facebook pages depends on your business strategy. It is possible to have one single corporate page that gathers all the relevant information about your brand.

The choice will depend on the time and effort you have available to manage multiple locations pages, even though you create the structure of “parent” and  ”child” pages on a platform like Facebook Business.

How can I add a location to Facebook Business?

Log into your Facebook Business page and choose “Settings.” Then, while navigating on that menu, you will see “Locations.” Click on it to add one address at a time.


Using Facebook Business is an excellent idea for businesses of all sizes, and with Storemapper, it gets easier to map all your locations in only one spot. Help your customers easily find you anywhere. Try Storemapper on Facebook Business now.

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