Apa fungsi reset di power bank

Merdeka.com - Apakah kamu penggemar game Pokemon Go? Jika iya, tentu kehadiran power bank sangat penting agar bisa berburu pokemon lebih lama. Namun sama dengan alat elektronik lain, power bank juga umur yang terbatas.

Sebelumnya perlu diketahui bila sebuah power bank memiliki umur berupa jumlah pengisian daya. Kebanyakan power bank mempunyai maksimal 500 kali charge. Bukan berarti setelah 500 kali dicharger power bank itu akan mati, tetapi kemampuannya untuk menyimpan energi listrik bakal turun. Bisa turun ke 80 persen atau lebih.

Tentu ada beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan agar power bank bisa lebih awet. Atau paling tidak agar penurunan kapasitas penyimpanan si power bank tidak jauh saat jumlah chargernya telah habis.

1. Charge power bank dengan daya listrik yang sesuai.

Misalnya 5 volt/2 ampere (5V/2A). Pengisian daya di bawah itu bisa merusak bateri dalam power bank, bahkan pada beberapa kasus meledak.

2. Charge power bank di suhu ruangan normal (25 derajat Celcius).

Suhu panas bisa berdampak negatif bagi power bank, memperpendek umurnya.

3. Jangan buat power bank 'kerja keras'

Contohnya adalah menggunakan power bank sambil mengisi dayanya atau memainkan aplikasi berat (misalnya game). Hal ini membuat power bank harus bekerja ekstra. Panas berlebih yang muncul saat bekerja dua kali lipat ini dapat merusak baterai power bank.

4. Jaga power bank agar selalu kering.

Kondisi lembab sekalipun bisa berbahaya bagi power bank karena bisa muncul uap air yang menyebabkan bagian dalam power bank berkarat.

5. Isi daya sesekali bila lama tak dipakai

Apabila kamu berencana untuk tidak memakai power bank dalam waktu lama (lebih dari satu bulan), ada baiknya untuk mengisi dayanya sesekali. Satu kali dalam sebulan cukup agar kapasitasnya tidak berkurang karena jarang dipakai.

6. Jangan isi ulang power bank terlalu lama

Kita pasti sering membiarkan power bank dicharge semalaman, terlebih power bank yang memiliki kapasitas besar di atas 10.000mAh. Akan tetapi cara ini lebih baik dihindari. Sebab mencharge semalaman meski si power bank sudah penuh bisa memicu overheat dan kerusakan internal.

7. Jangan sampai terjatuh

Ini mungkin tantangan tebesar bagi pemilik power bank. Bagi banyak orang, power bank terjatuh sudah menjadi hal biasa. Namun jatuh dari ketinggian lebih dari satu meter kerap menimbulkan kerusakan internal power bank. Tak salah bila kini banyak silicon case beredar untuk melindungi power bank. (mdk/bbo)

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It-Jurnal.Com – Cara Memperbaiki Power Bank Rusak –Power Bank adalah pengisi daya gadget saat kita sedang berada diluar dan jauh dari sumber listrik. Fungsi power bank dapat disebut juga sebagai penyimpan daya atau dapat dianalogikan sebagai batrei cadangan, namun untuk penggunannya kita tidak perlu mencopot batrei handphone, kita cukup menacapkan kabel seperti saat kita men-charger menggunakan charger biasa.

Power bank memang khusus dibuat untuk orang-orang lapangan yang jarang masuk ruangan, dan orang yang sering dalam perjalanan. Benda mungil itu memiliki bermacam-macam kapasitas daya mulai dari ribuan mAh sampai puluhan ribu mAh.

Untuk penggunaan power bank sendiri cukup mudah. Untuk pengisian cukup dilakukan seperti saat kita men-charge handphone biasa. Setelah penuh power bank dapat digunakan. Pemasangannya juga hanya seperti saat kita men-charge handphone biasa. Untuk lama tidaknya sebuah power bank dapat digunakan tergantung dari daya yang dapat disimpan dari power bank tersebut(biasanya dalam ukuran mAh). Baca Cara Merawat Power Bank

Nah bagaimana jika power bank anda rusak ? lampu power bank tidak menyala ? Lampu Power Bank Berhenti Berkedip ? Power Bank Tidak mau di Carger ?  atau memang Power Bank Anda Terendam Air ? berikut adalah tutorial dari It-Jurnal.com cara mudah memperbaiki masalah pada power bank anda. simak berikut ini :

langkah pertama yang harus anda lakukan adalah, buka seluruh power bank.Untuk dapat membuka Chasing PowerBank, dapat menggunakan Minyak Kayu putih untuk mematikan rekatan lem yang ada pada sisi-sisi chasing,oleskan secara merata, namun tidak sampai banjir atau berlebihan.setelah itu bantu congkel celah sisi chasing dengan obeng minus kecil.

Lihat beberapa tembaga yang terhubung dari perangkat PBC apakah ada yg terputus ? jika anda silahkan tempatkan pada posisi semula dan silahkan anda sodier menggunakan aluminium.

Dan berikut ini adalah Controlnya PBC :

 Menggunakan 2 buah Batrey Charger dengan tipe LR1865SE,tegangan 5volt, bahan Lithium Ion, maksimal amper charging : 2200mA.

Keterangan : jika Power bank anda terendam air. maka anda harus membersikan dan mengerikan isi PBC dengan alat bantu,seperti pengiring rambut,pompa angin,kipas angin,dll. jemur sampai kering. lalu pasang kembali.

 Troubelshooting kerusakan PowerBank tidak bisa mengisi handphone adalah :

switch ON/OFF berupa Transistor untuk output ke soket USB rusak daya Batre tidak cukup (5V) sehingga tidak bisa di gunakan charging HP,akibat Sumber arus pengisi batre rusak/Putus, atau akibat IC control level batre tidak berfungsi.

Cara memperbaikinya :

  • cek kabel mungkin ada yang terputus
  • cek kabel yang masuk ke dalam kepala carger Hp kebanyakan longgar karena sering di cabut
  • buka power bank menggunakan obeng kusus,perangkat PBC mungkin terbakar
  • cek pembengkakan pada batre dalamnya dan ganti dengan batrai yg baru

Jika ada pertanyaan silahkan tinggalkan komentar anda di bawah ini.semoga artikel cara memperbaiki power bank ini dapat bermanfaat bagi anda semua.

It could be one of the following problems: Make sure that the power cable is fully inserted. Charge the power bank via a wall socket, not via a laptop USB. always-on mode, press the power button to wake the powerbank then again press and hold the button for 3 seconds and the light(s) should blink and then become solid.

Xiaomi sub-brand Redmi has also slashed the price of its 20,000mAh power bank. If you’re talking about a power bank with a conversion and charging process, the efficiency is about 60 percent. I loved this power bank as it supports fast charging.

This is vital to choosing the correct power bank for your gadget. A power bank is a great way to keep your devices charged while away from an outlet.

You can get smaller portable batteries with 5,000mAh and 10,000mAh capacities, but those with 20,000mAh will last you longer and should charge your device several times. With phones getting more and more power hungry, you will constantly find yourself running out of battery. If you need a higher capacity power source for a longer period of time, a portable power bank with a large mAh such as 40,000 mAh is the safest chance. With this option you do run the risk of sacrificing portability, so you must plan how you can store it for easy accessibility.

The Mi 3i 20000mAh is a newly launched that features a sandstone back to offer a better grip. Some power banks take longer to charge because larger batteries have a bigger capacity to store energy. For example, a high capacity power bank with 20,000 mAh can take up to 40 hours to charge fully.

Battery Bank Reset?

Suddenly the lights stopped activating and it doesn’t recognize any USB cables being plugged in.

Power Bank Maintenance: What To Do When A Power Bank Stops Working

Power banks lack the delicate screens of smartphones and flimsiness of folded laptops, so it’s easy to forget they’re vulnerable too; our guide to power bank maintenance and troubleshooting can help you put a finger on whether you’re in a repair or replacement-type situation. Now that you know a little bit about power bank maintenance and the most common ways they fail, we can explore how to narrow down the issue. In a scientific experiment, researchers will establish a “control” group to serve as a baseline to compare their results to. The USB socket on your power bank should be stable—if it wiggles, or you have difficulty pushing cables into it, it’s likely been damaged.

Contact customer service: If your device is relatively new, you may still be covered by a manufacturer’s power bank maintenance warranty. If the manufacturer determines you’ve been using your device in a reasonable fashion, and you are still within the warranty period, they will repair, refurbish or replace your unit.

As every old-timer (plus ‘80s hair metal legends Cinderella) loves to say, you don’t know what you’ve got till its gone. Every power bank stops working eventually, but there’s a lot you can do to put off that fateful day.

If the power bank is used infrequently or hasn’t been used for a long time, we recommend fully charging it every three months. We hope this little power bank maintenance guide proved helpful, and we love chatting with readers in the comments!

Is it possible to soft reset a large power bank? : batteries

Quick technical question: I have a large 220wh*** power bank/“generator”. After recently plugging an air freshener into it (long story lol), it doesn’t seem to charge anymore.

Is your power bank blinking but not charging? Try this

One of the most common problems with portable chargers is that their lights might blink in a specific pattern, which is not easy to understand. At this point, you should disconnect the mobile phone, preventing the power bank from discharging completely, as it may damage its battery, especially when done repeatedly. In some cases, you might notice the fact that the power bank is not charging even though it’s plugged in, and the LED lights are blinking. The problem may be a minor fault that can be easily taken care of, or it can be a serious issue that requires professional repair.

It may happen that you simply didn’t fully insert the power plug in the charging port thus creating a faulty connection. Make sure that there isn’t any type of debris in the charging port such as dust, sand, dirt, etc. Some power cables can be of really low quality, which has a direct effect on the charging rate. It might also be the case that the cable does not support fast charging technology as the power bank requires, which is why it is undercharging.

If the power bank suffered a hard shock like a fall or was left in a hot environment for a long time, there is a possibility that its internal circuits have failed. Bigger companies such as Anker, Aukey, and RAVpower have websites and client service centers that might be able to help you. Unfortunately, smaller producers and subsidiaries such as BlackWeb, Protable Juice, or Mophie don’t have such reliable customer service networks. In many cases, your local repair shop can fix your portable charger within a few hours.

The trouble with this is that once the power bank is opened by a third-party service, you’ll lose your warranty rights. However, please do so in an environmental-friendly manner, as batteries contain a lot of toxic substances that may harm the environment. Avoid leaving your power bank in a hot place, such as a parked car in summer.

If the power bank batteries are totally discharged due to any reason and the voltage falls below a threshold, it may be difficult to recharge them.

When the light indicator of your power bank is blinking, but it’s not really charging is a cause for concern as it might be a sign of malfunction. Nonetheless, if your power bank is not working properly but it can be fixed by changing the cable or the charger, then do it yourself.

Do not try to open the case of the power bank and try to repair it yourself, as it will void a valid warranty.

What should be done if a power bank stops charging?

The erratic blinking of these lights can be associated with an issue, which means that your power bank is not charging. In some cases, you might even notice the fact that the power bank is plugged into the charger and the LED lights are blinking but the device is not charging.

Check if the power cable is fully inserted or not- There is a possibility that you may not have fully inserted the power plug in the charging port that leads to a faulty connection.

Some power cables can be of poor quality, which can have a direct effect on the charging rate. The output current from a computer or laptop USB port is around 0.5 A, which is not sufficient to charge a power bank. If the manufacturer determines that you have been using your device in a reasonable manner, and it is still in the warranty period, then they will repair, refurbish, or replace your power bank.

Most people don’t use power banks on a daily basis, therefore the battery usually may last much longer than 18 months. A power bank from a good brand can hold a charge for 3 to 6 months with minimal loss.

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