Arti kata "emo bands" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata emo bands bahasa

A group of emos who write and sing about love, not your pop 'love', but real love, break ups, depression. All the stuff everyone encounters in their life at one point.


A few people i know are in emo bands. They love the music and keeping the lyrics real. They sing about their experiences so others can relate. Also to rock out to!

Arti kata emo bands bahasa

Emo bands are bands that express emotions or feelings through their music, they are not people who sit around crying and slitting wrists like a lot of narrow minded people think. Emo music is often mistaken for pop-rock bands and sometimes even Kerrang get it wrong, although these bands are really amazing too they are bands that definately ARENT emo: the all-american rejects - pop-rock fall out boy - pop-rock panic at the disco - dance-rock taking back sunday - pop rock bands that ARE emo are: hawthorne heights funeral for a friend my chemical romance from autumn to ashes dashboard confessional


"have you seen any good emo bands recently" "have you downloaded any emo music yet?"

Arti kata emo bands bahasa

Most people have a horribly limited idea of what emo is, simply because the most important records in the development of emo were largely released on on vinyl, in small numbers, and with limited distribution. These were however very influential, so nowadays you have the situation that a lot of kids listen to third- and fourth-generation emo styles without even knowing it. I hope to expose such people to a wealth of great preceding music that's getting easier to find all the time... After Minor Threat broke up in late 1983, the vibrant DC hardcore-punk scene that exploded in 1981 seems to start to run out of steam and fresh ideas within the established DC hardcore sound. The wistful, posthumous Minor Threat 7" "Salad Days" comes out in 1984 and drives the final nail into the coffin of DC hardcore punk. Bands all over the country begin casting about for new things to do : DRI and Bad Brains start going cheeze-metal, New York bands start doing tough-guy mosh, 7Seconds goes jangly U2 alternative, etc. The prevailing change in D.C. is toward melodic rock with punk sensibilities. 1984 marks the release of Zen Arcade by Minneapolis band Hüsker Dü, documenting their new mature sound combining furious, intense vocal delivery and driving guitars with slowed-down rockish tempos and more-complex, melodic songwriting. In spring 1984, a new band called Rites Of Spring forms from members of The Untouchables/Faith and Deadline. This band retains a punk speed and frenzy, but brings a totally new vocal approach to the mix. Singer Guy Picciotto keeps an out-of-breath punk style most of the time, at times delving into intensely personal lyrics dripping with emotion and sweat. His voice breaks down at climactic moments into a throaty, gravelly, passionate moan. The summer of 1985 becomes known as "Revolution Summer" when a new wave of rock-tempo, melody based, sung-vocal bands forms out of the DC punk musician pool with diverse rock sounds - Three, Gray Matter, Soulside, Ignition, Marginal Man, Fire Party, Rain, Shudder to Think, etc. Few bands retain the fast hardcore punk-based sound with the new vocal approach, Dag Nasty being the notable exception. Minor Threat's singer, Ian MacKaye's, sings for a band called Embrace (compare the band name to earlier DC bands Minor Threat, Void, and State Of Alert) whose lyrics are emotional and deeply self-questioning, but still clear and unambiguous. Musically, the group (formed mostly of ex-Faith members) writes midtempo, somewhat jangly music with a lot of pop guitar hooks. MacKaye's vocals retain his trademark bold enunciation, with only occasional sparks of emotive delivery. These bands' sound eventually becomes known as the classic "D.C. sound." Some of it is derisively labeled "emo," as shorthand for "emotional." One account has this term first appearing in a Flipside interview with Ian MacKaye. Shortly thereafter DC bands aquire the tag "emo-core." Slightly later (1986), some bands begin to focus on the "emo" element itself. The Hated in Annapolis (near D.C.) seem to be the first post-Rites of Spring to do this. Shortly thereafter, Moss Icon appears in in the same town. Moss Icon strips the "emo" element down to the core, and adds a great deal of intricate, arpeggiated guitar melody (by Tonie Joy, later of Born Against, Lava, Universal Order of Armageddon, etc.) with a strong focus on loud/soft dynamics. The vocals, too, break new ground by building up to actual top-of-the-lungs screaming at songs' climaxes. Moss Icon, as a relatively well-known band that toured some, introduces the punk scene to music that has core emphasis on emotion instead of punk energy. As such, I consider them the starting point for the emo movement, not Rites of Spring as is more commonly asserted. Later emo bands draw heavily from the Moss Icon dynamics, guitar style, and vocal delivery.


emo bands: rites of spring, portraits of the past, mineral, american football ect. not emo bands: My chemical romance, bullet for my valentine, the used. ect.

Arti kata emo bands bahasa

emobands are quite difficult to define as lots of different genres are considered 'emo'and different 'emos' listen to different things and not one single band on this planet agrees when they are labelled emo by abunch of stupid journalists who would not know what emo was if it shoved a burning frok up thier asses personally bands like thursday (indie/alternative) escape the fate from first to last atreyu are kind of emo but every 'emo'is different and yes an individual as much as you would all like to disagree


"OMFG dashboard confessional is one of the hottest emo bands around"says silly 'emo'(if one likes dashborad dont admit it ,you may get bashed by 'emos'who spend all thier time calling everyone else posers

Arti kata emo bands bahasa

Emo Bands. There are alot of bands different people would call Emo. Some people say Blink 182 is Emo, while others say Thursday is. My definition of an Emo band, is a band that describes their emotions in lyrics, Morbid, random, romantic. Bands like McFly, Busted, Dashboard confessional arent emo!!!!!!!!


Emo bands are: From first to Last Thursday Funeral for a Friend Saetia Atreyu

Arti kata emo bands bahasa

Bands that, much like emo kids themselves, all look and sound very similar. In fact, there may be pretty much no difference between Emo Band A and Emo Band B. That's how annoying it can get. Emo bands may have a lot of potential, but sadly, it is all wasted because they try too hard to fit under one stereotype, just like the average emo kid.


Characteristics of emo bands: 1. The singer sounds just like Adam Lazzara 2. Some of the lyrics may be screamed 3. Poppy sound 4. Very simple guitar riffs 5. Two or more of the band members have "emo hair," and the singer is usually one of them 6. Don't forget eyeliner 7. Lyrics include the weirdest, most nonsensical-sounding metaphors ever, something along the lines of "My little period at the end of your sentence..." 8. Songs are about relationships or life in general - they are NEVER optimistic, though they may be upbeat 9. The band members will always deny the "emo" label, much like emo kids (once again) 10. Usually disappear after two or three albums, or with some cases, even one, but not before at least one of their songs becomes a radio hit

Arti kata emo bands bahasa

arn't emo: Fall out boy My Chemical Romance Funeral for a friend P!atd Silverstein Simple Plan or any band that's been on MTV. Why not? Emotional Hardcore is a part of the DIY (Do It Yourself) Punk, and the bands 'must' do the recording 'all by themselfs'. Even if they hadn't signed up with a big record company, they are not in the right genre anyway! are emo: Embrace Chemical Vocation 1905 Raised by another Die, emperor! Die! Fugazi


Mall emokid meets emokid. MEmo: Hi, heard the new FOB song? Emo: fuck, stop listen to that shit, find some real emo. MEmo: Kid, don't say you're listening to Simple Plan. Jesus.. Emo: dude, have you even heard of some emo bands? MEmo: you bet i have. i listen to mtv all day long, and most thing they are playing is emo. Emo: hahaha. get a life.

Arti kata emo bands bahasa

emo bands are groups of musicians who sing about how depressing life is so dirty whores can slit their wrists to it


Emo bands include Suicidal Tendencies, Dashboard, 18 Visions, Fall Out Boy, Dave Matthews

Arti kata emo bands bahasa

Emo is a term used for rock acts centralized around Washington DC in the 80's who tended to get very 'emotional' with their performance on stage. Now it has just been a lame catch all term for bands who are NOT emo.


People think groups like Fall Out Boy, AFI who are in fact East Bay Hardcore, not 'Emotional', I bet you if you told Davey Havok they were 'Emotional', he'd punch your goddamn lights out, Flyleaf, Panic! at the Disco, ect. ect. ect. But these people are just naive little children who like to label and stereotype. PS. Get a life kids. Emo bands are extinct.

Arti kata emo bands bahasa

Emo Bands are bands that express emotion and crappy things that happen in life . Emo music that they play relates to other emo,punk, goth or other listener of their music.


examples of emo bands are: My Chemical Romance, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Funeral For a Friend, Hawthorne Heights, Atreyu,Evanessance, From First to Last,Thursday, 30 Seconds to Mars,Boy Likes Girl, and A.F.I. Somewhat emo bands are: Panic!at the disco,Fall Out Boy, Green Day, Good Charolette,Chevelle, Simple Plan, Plain White T's, Bullet For My Valentine, and Flyleaf.

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