Arti kata "hoodrat" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata hoodrat bahasa

A skank ass hoe thats fucked most of the men in the hood; A girl that gets around;hoe; A theme park( everyones had a ride up in that bitch)


(Girl passed by)Yo dog, I wuz all up in them guts last night (All ur boys say So, I hit that shit too, yea me too, yup, so have I)

Arti kata hoodrat bahasa

A woman of questionable repute. Someone whom you should deny having "been with".


I ain't never been with your little hoodrat friend.

Arti kata hoodrat bahasa

A female usually of African-American decent who is from the ghetto and is known to be sexually loose and usually isn't that attractive. These are females who don't dress appropriately more than half their wardrobe consists of tight and often revealing clothing. They're usually holding a job at fast food places or retail stores and many have no real education and are likely to be high school dropouts. They also have children with different fathers who have criminal records or some kind of sketchy past. They also live at home with their parent(s) or someone and don't have themselves established with their own anything. They are not very intelligent and their vocabulary sounds like they failed remedial English. They often make fun of those who are successful and established because they are jealous and envy those who actually work for things. Have a high tendency to be lazy and unmotivated. Hoodrats tend to have a greedy and self centered mentality and its mostly fueled by their love of money. They often like to cause problems from stealing other women's husbands and boyfriends to fighting over petty drama and they like to lie a lot about BS stuff. They will fake pregnancies to keep a man who is on the verge of leaving. These type of women are ones men are advised to stay clear of. Hoodrats are often women that men don't take to nice restaurants or establishments they are usually feeding them at the cheap local burger or chicken place.


That hoodrat stole Tawandas man and got a baby with him.

Arti kata hoodrat bahasa

A male/female who entire outlook is based on only what they have learned/seen/done/heard of or heard done in the hood. They have no desire/seem afraid to leave the hood and see different things in life. And when outside the hood, they behave in a manner that lets everyone know that they are from no where else BUT the hood. They dismiss anyone or anything that is different to what the hood has taught them. To them, if it's not hood, it can't be right.


I went down to the mall today to catch a movie and the mall was full of hoodrats. they act like they have never been anywhere or seen anything before.

Arti kata hoodrat bahasa

A nasty girl from the ghetto with no class and/or morals. She may be loud and unpleasant to hang around. She may cuss for nothing and is always ready to fight. She simply has no class. A female in a low-social-status or low-income-status environment ( a ghetto, a trailer-park, etc) who displays no dignity or self-respect and who lacks intelligence in basic decision-making. she is usually promiscuous, loud, brazen, addicted to drugs or alcohol, short-tempered and is usually not very bright. A girl that you can find in the hood, at any given time, doing people, drugs, or anything she has no business doing. Basically the neighborhood ho, that's down for anything to get what she wants.


that girl Dominique is such a hoodrat

Arti kata hoodrat bahasa

a hoodrat is that chick who had sex with all then dudes in the neighborhood.


that chick soo loose she damn near a hoodrat. more commonly called a skeet, slut, ho, easy, etc....

Arti kata hoodrat bahasa

a person who lives in the ghetto or public housing with no intent to make it out of there. A hoodrat is usually unemployed and won't seek employment because they instead chose to live off of government assistance, child support payments, and food stamps. They often have unplanned children with one or multiple "baby daddies", some of which end up in jail or simply run because of their mistake. Food stamps are often spent on Flammin' Hot Cheetos. Any money that they do have gets spent on Ciroc.


Joe: Are you a hoodrat? Loran: No, a hoodrat is a person who lives in the ghetto or public housing. I live in the suburbs! Joe: I stand corrected!

Arti kata hoodrat bahasa

1. A slut, a teenage girl who has slept with every guy in "hood," the village bicycle (everyone's had a ride). 2. A teenage girl, raised in the hood who plucks out all her eyebrows and pencils them in, wears dark lipliner with pale lipstick and gives herself piercings and tattoos. Most notably referred to by The Hold Steady in their song "Your Little Hoodrat Friend."


1. Everyone's been with Marla; she's a total hoodrat. 2. Your little hoodrat friend's been calling me again. And I can't stand all the things that she sticks into her skin.

Arti kata hoodrat bahasa

One who either resides in the ghetto or exhibits behavior commonly found in the ghetto. Such behaviors include spending 90 percent of net pay on shoes and clothing, proudly carrying fake logo bags, birthing numerous children to multiple fathers and relying on government assistance; often illegally. Often when hoodrats seek work, they troll to Westchester NY where they are hired to work as nannies and housekeepers.


I don't want a hoodrat nanny, I value professional childcare.

Arti kata hoodrat bahasa

pretty much an awesome urban person. also, extremely ignorant.


ashlyn- we are hoodrats cassidy- yeppppp jey- my man got 2 jobsss lorenzo- i dont need thiss !

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