Arti kata "kester" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata kester bahasa

An inventive and innovative software engineer. Commonly heard throughout the video game industry.


Dude, if only we had a Kester to help us finish this title.

Arti kata kester bahasa

A guy who is a friend to everyone. He has a likeable, easy-going personality. He has a lot of enthusiasm, and tries to live life with a smile, even if he doesn't feel like it. Despite this, Kester is a genuine guy. He isn't afraid to be honest about his feelings, and he will ask for help when he needs it. Out of consideration, however, he tries to be brief with what he says. He wants to listen to others, instead of focusing on himself. But when his friends need help, he is always there to aid them with advice. Whenever he shows up, people are quick to notice. Many give him a big welcome.


Me: "Hey, there's Kester." Friend: "Oh, really?" Us: "Hey, Kester!"

Arti kata kester bahasa

A term used to denote signs of depression and complete hatred for sports;Volleyball and recreational Volleyball


Gabriel:”Hey,are you going for the friendly tomorrow?” Chester:”Nah fam,I got kester’s balls

Arti kata kester bahasa

Red headed Santa Claus


Fuck that Kester is on my roof.

Arti kata kester bahasa

bull shitting people so much to the extent they no longer care or listen to what you say to them. named from mr wright who talks shit excessively. also he is bummed by Saggy Beacham in english much to the annoyance of everyone else on a daily basis. he also elaborates everything possible for instance his poor gran who broke her leg when actualy she didnt and his metal rib which he claims is now made of carbon fibre!


example 1. kestering at its best kester: hey i have a metal rib from that snowboarding accident i had. me: whoa serious. that must hurt kester: yea it did but its okay now. its really annoying though it always sets off metal detectors at airports me: shit that must be really annoying. can i see the scar? kester: uh well there isnt one anymore me: wtf there should be they gave you a metal rib kester: *fuck* example 2. kester: my rib isnt made of metal its carbon fibre random: yea sure it breaks ya tit kester: *oh fuck*

Arti kata kester bahasa

Noun- Kester is a cigarette were the tobacco is replaced with feces and is often used as a prank by teenagers in the UK


Guy1: Bruh this isn't weed Guy2: Yeah replaced your's with a Kester haha lol

Arti kata kester bahasa

The term used when you waqnt to describe someone who loves power and craves it and misues it. A Kester is also someone who is stereotypically weird. They usually like weird things such as how the aerodynamics of an aeroplane impact upon the air speed of a boeing 747 when you take into considerstion the altitude and fuel economy as well as flight plan on route to a Southern Atlantic island while the pilot is experiencing G Force 6. This makes a Kester a keen member of the RAF regiment. A kester also loves to help others out, such as putting chairs out for assembly or telling people to do their top buttons up or putting people in a DT. All of these things gives a Kester enormous satisfaction and it serves as a reminder to other people that a Kester is in charge, sort of like a dictatorship. Among other things, a Kester takes enormous pleasure and enjoyment from standing in front of 600 freezing cold school children on an open tarmaced area and shouting orders at them, sort of like what happened in the 1920's. This form of corporal punishment is given the friendlier name of 'marching' as decided by the Kester. At the end of all this, a Kester will sit down with his boss in a dark locked room and the rest is left for your imagination.


'Our Head of School is such a Kester. Why does he love being such a power-happy douche. Why doesn't he just chill out and stop sucking the Heady's dick??' -Person 1 'I know!! What a fucking Kester. There are so many ways that Kester is like Hitler. Have you ever realised that Kester is a Kester?' -Person 2 'No way!! I hadn't realised that before. Maybe someone named it after him because he's such a power-happy douche!!' -Person 1 'Possibly. He deserves it. What a wanker.' -Greg 'Oh no, there's a Kester about. We are going to get in fucking DT's coz he's such a gimp!!' -Moak

Arti kata kester bahasa

Kester is a sweet heart who has a big heart,he makes me smile and laugh and listerns to me on facetime ,hes a handsome boy with braids Xx


Heey kester,your dank b 😁

Arti kata kester bahasa

A complex task that no one wants to do and is often forced on someone to complete, especially in a work environment. Often unnecessary, it is one person's duty left for another for to execute without benefit. Sometimes, a temporary "quick-fix" built to break down and eventually become someone else's problem.


My co-worker is always leaving all his kester-bridges for me to cross when he's not on schedule. I feel bad for whoever is working monday. I built them a ton of kester-bridges to cross for me over the weekend.

Arti kata kester bahasa

A phrase to exclaim the loss of motivation for any school work. Jon : " Yo Alan, did you complete the design and technology homework?" Alan : " No bro, I got Kester's Tits"


I have kester's tits