Arti kata "northern ireland" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata northern ireland bahasa

Noun: A distinct political unit, for all intents and purposes a country in its own right, located at the top north-east corner of the island of Ireland, comprised of six of the nine counties of Ulster. Also known as God's Own Country or God's Chosen Six Counties, generically as Ulster or the Province, and most often shortened in literature to Norn Iron. A little country of a mere 1.5 million people, where job opportunities and social cohesion are so absent that most of the population drinks heavily and hates everyone else. Vodka is cheap here, as is beer, thank god. Northern Ireland contains everything that is good about the island of Ireland. The Northern Irish people have a dark self-deprecating sense of humour. We also beat England in 2005 in a football match and we'll never let them forget it. Lots of people in Northern Ireland are inbred. Guinness tastes better up here, too. Northern Ireland has many enemies in the wider world, but mostly they are just haters, jealous of Our Wee Country.


Foreigner : Northern Ireland? Never heard of it. Me : It's fulla wankers mate. But it's home. "We're not Brazil, we're Northern Ireland" (popular football song) Northern Ireland. The home of tatty bread and brown lemonade.

Arti kata northern ireland bahasa

a great wee country that needs no definition if you've been there! i'm born and bred in Norn Iron and am proud of it! all the English that comment on Northern Ireland who haven't even been here need to wise the bap and shut up! not everyone in Northern Ireland are terrorists or chavs or spides or drug dealers! Every country has freaks, we may have had problems in the past, but have you seen what's going on in London at the minute? OH yeah, AND LAY OFF OUR FRY UP!!!! THE ENGLISH BREAKFAST IS FAR INFERIOR TO THE ULSTER FRY!!!!! have you ever had a proper Ulster Fry????? I don't think so!! don't slag it till you try it! but it really does have some greaat things going on....come and see for yourselves!!!


We're from Norn Iron and are well proud! We're not Brazil we're Northern Ireland! Ulster til we die!

Arti kata northern ireland bahasa

messed up by England's plantation in the 1600's.


look, it's Northern Irland.

Arti kata northern ireland bahasa

The land of bowler hats, marching and orange sashes. Lets not forget drug dealing to fund arms purchases. Why fight over the place?


I say old man, can I walk past your house? No, feck off, this is Northern Ireland.

Arti kata northern ireland bahasa

A shithole part of Ireland that most people on the island would like to split off from the real Ireland and float into oblivion. The cause of much bloodshed and economic downturn for Ireland, and a drain on the British taxpayer. The only good thing ever to come out of this sectarian stain on the globe was George Best, but then when he became an alcoholic most people realised what a bitter wanker he was. His life is very much a metaphor for Northern Ireland. The people of 'norn iron', as protestants enjoy calling it due to their hatred of anything to do with ireland, are a shower of cunts who enjoy fucking it up for the rest of the UK and ireland. northern ireland should be wiped from the earth.


"Im from norn iron (northern ireland). aye. listen to my stupid pseudo-scottish accent. i have no culture. aye, och, im away to eat some sody bread aye."

Arti kata northern ireland bahasa

The last part of the british empire.


Give it up limeys, your reign as a superpower is over.

Arti kata northern ireland bahasa

a country that doesnt exist. its proper name is the illegally occupied six counties in the north of ireland,their "national football team" is made up mostly of players in englands 2nd division and players in the irish league as for the limited supporters they could easily fill an olympic sized swimming pool(preferably with bricks tied to their feet).most catholics in the north support the far superior republic football team and despise the 6 counties team even wanting england to win when they play the 6 counties. chief export: labourers and whingers, chief import: semtex and weapons and money grabbing wannabee landlord ex-patriots. main income is tourism, but avoid the giants causeway it is absolute shite, as is belfast(all except for the catholic parts of west belfast).


"so jackie fullerton, what did you make of northern irelands performance?. "well i have to say what a glorious match by our boys, defended well and played brilliantly" "aye jackie, but we were beat 12 nil by the bulgarian paralympic girls team".

Arti kata northern ireland bahasa

made up of two types of people: catholics, who whinge constantly about being downtrodden etc and who love to blow people up and shoot them. prods, who whinge constantly about being under siege, would crawl on their hands and knees through broken glass so they could use some english cunts shite for toothpaste and who love to blow people up and shoot them.


northern ireland is shit.

Arti kata northern ireland bahasa

the best wee country in da world we have sum awesome words nd songs like: craic banter ulster til we die u r my davis my only davis not brazil we're northern ireland norn iron so dont dis r country, we may be nt that gd at football, rugby, or really and other sport but we have spirit and loyalty so im definately ULSTER TIL I DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 wat da craic 2 u missed a load a banter last nyt (both common northern ireland sayins)

Arti kata northern ireland bahasa

-Everyone's a bloody politician. -Fucking everyone fucking swears all the bloody fucking time you wanker. -Everything is powerful hi. -Everyone says hi after every scentence. -It always rains. -You're a farmer, a fisherman or you work at Hollister (According to your Facebook.) -Going to Victoria Square is the highlight of your life. -Guinness tastes better here. -Your packing priorities for going on holiday are Buckfast and Tayto Crisps. -Alcohol is cheap as fuck. -We all agree that David Cameron is a twat, oh, and Steven Nolan... cunt. -It's Londonderry, not Derry you republican twats. -Will Grigg is our superhero. -Popular songs include: -Will Grigg's on Fire. -We're not Brazil we're Norn Ireland. -The Sash. -I tell me ma. -Wagon Wheel. -Anything by Justin Bieber. -No pope in Rome.


Non NI Native: What's Northern Ireland like? NI Native: Oh, Norn Iron? It's powerful hi. It's always pissing down and we're a bunch of vulgar, complete and utter twats, but we have cheap drinks, Nathan Carter, the MYD, Hollister and of course, Will Grigg. Non NI Native: Get me a flat and a bottle of Bucky.

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