Arti kata "preppy girls" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata preppy girls bahasa

Girls that are usually quite attractive, but commonly shallow, wear clothes from Abercrombie, Hollister, Urban Outfitters, etc., are flirty but more likely then not they are actually very prude. A lot of preppy girls have blonde hair, (not all of them), small breasts, and seem to think that because of their faux "popularity" that they are better than everyone else. Are scared to admit any sexual things they might do in fear of being considered a slut and being shunned by her friends, even if they want to be sexually active. In the early teenage years will consider drinking/drugs to be uncool and for the losers, but some of them lighten up to that in the later teenage years.


Look at those hot preppy girls over by Hollister, man. I mean, I'd hit 'em but they are probably prude as fuck anyways. Damn conformists. Let's go back to Hot Topic and flirt with the fat ass gothic chick and talk about goat blood.

Arti kata preppy girls bahasa

Sheep, followers of trendy fashion, music, and other people's opinions. Girls who don't have a voice of their own and have to be accepted by society in everyday life. Fakers, posers, closed minded individuals who can't accept indifference in another person.


Cheerleaders, Teenie Boppers, Prom Queens...

Arti kata preppy girls bahasa

Girls that love to gossip and can not be trusted. Hell, they even turn on there own friends. They can't think for themselves, follow the crowd of other preppy girls, and care a lot about what other people think of them and thus base how they act upon that. They do not make good for long term relationships, because their "love" for things comes and goes with public opinion. They are decieving when it comes to sex. They seem real fun to fuck, but after that 5 min joy ride the whole school will know and you'll have more girls hating you for "hurting" their "friend" then anything.


Arti kata preppy girls bahasa

girls that can't stand to be different and also hate when someone else is. wear clothes by ambercrombie, hollister, roxy, ect. are complete and total bitches with small breasts. small brains and large egos.


preppy girls are backstabbers. ie: prerry girl 1: Like OMG did u SEE what lola (preppy girl 3) wore yesterday preppy girl 2: I KNOW it was soo 1920's totally disgusting. Preppy girl 1: Just don't tell her i said that or she won't want to be friends anymore. preppy girl 2: i totally swear. preppy girl 2: *goes to preppy girl 3* k you'll never guess what bridget just said about you. (preppy girl 3) OMG WHAT!!!! preppy girl 2: she totally just dissed the outfit u wore yesterday. preppy girl 3:NO WAY!!!!did you say anything with her? preppy girl 2: NOOO! how could you even say that i'm ur friend? i gotta go byee! *walks away satisfied*

Arti kata preppy girls bahasa

basically a girl who wears main-stream clothes such as Hollister, A&F and American Eagle. She dresses nicely but never out of style. She mainly wears clothes with some brand name glued to it. She listens to anything featured on MTV or Much Music and also music from popular radio stations. it's uncommon for them to listen to scremo, but they will listen to rock. Usually sterotyped as a bimbo, rich and a whore/bitch but in reality some can be in any class, pretty smart, and kinda nice. Most teenage girls can be classified as preppy. ( keyword here is most...)


You'll Know one when you see preppy girls

Arti kata preppy girls bahasa

they wear short skirts tight ass cloths that dont fit and dont match. they only care about them selves and who they can smoke with over the weekend then they can get drunk and blackout and have sex with the quaterback of the football team then dont remember it the next day but everybody else does. they also have a small vocabulary and goes along with what other people think. they claim that if you talk shit about them then your just jealous but if they talk about you everyone agrees with the dumb slut.


i have had many arguments with them and they all seem to be the same.

Arti kata preppy girls bahasa

Girls that gossip about anything they can find out.They turn on their own friends after tey hear somthing bad about them.


My friend did thhe same thing to me!

Arti kata preppy girls bahasa

Girls that call there friends bitches behind there back. Cheat on there boyfriends ect ect. Im not into this whole preppy thing. Infact i think its gay as hell.


Ha ha ha look at that preppy girl. What a whore.

Arti kata preppy girls bahasa

dont know what theyre talking about


Arti kata preppy girls bahasa

The "picture perfect" girls who seem to have it all, but really don't. They have absolutely no personality or brains and they're terried of being different even though, secretly, they may be yearning to be. They have perfectly sleek and straight hair and wear nothing but big brand names (e.g. American Eagle, Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, etc.). They carry around Vera Bradley bags and other clothes that make them look like dumbasses and they only listen to mainstream pop or rap music, sometimes throwing in the random alternative rock music that is "acceptable" for them to listen to. They are honestly some of the worst types of bitches I've ever encountered because they think they're all that and better than everybody. Here's what I say - be who you want to be. Don't be afraid to be different and DON'T be a prep. It's totally in your head and by being a preppy girl, you're just repressing the person you really want to be. Suck that, polo Ralph Lauren!


preppy girls and the high school experience

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