Arti kata "tatnall" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata tatnall bahasa

a school where the girls actually "pop" their collars and think they are the shit when most of them are rich as bitches who get whatever the fuck they want. They also think they r the shit because they have the guys but who cares at least the other private school guys dont have STD's


Jess Farmer thinks shes all that just cause shes got Nick but who gives a rats ass

Arti kata tatnall bahasa

Tatnall is a private school that has most of the kids that didn't get into Tower Hill.


I didn't pass the test to get into Tower Hill, so I went to Tatnall.

Arti kata tatnall bahasa

tatnall is a small private school in greenville delaware. most of the kids at tatnall have applied to tower hill, but have been rejected. therefore they find it necessary to buy all the fashionable clothes accessories etc...just to create the image that they in fact are on the same level as the students of tower hill. this is an illusion, tatnall is full of rich kids with absolutely zero personality, all they care about in their materialistic world is who is having the next big party, or what new brand is in. these kids only get into college because their rich parents pay the colleges off, i mean how else can these idiots get into any school. the guys at tatnall go fake tanning before games for goodluck, fags? yes. the girls are about as cool as a brick, and in fact you may as well be talking to one when you try to start a conversation with them. tatnall is a school for kids who are doomed to fail in life and are bitter that they were not good enough, and never will be good enough to attend tower hill.


hey i go to tatnall oh really? lets have a tanning party!

Arti kata tatnall bahasa

Tatnall is a school located in Wilmington Delaware. IT's falling apart..and seriously needs to be renivated. ITs full of people who think they are better then everyone else. I would say 20% of the population are actually decent people. Majority of the people pop there collars and wear clothing 10 sizes to small. The girl's have bad reputations...but then again so do alot of private schools girls(towerhill for example. All i have to say is these Tatnall people need to get over themselves in realize they live in Delaware...and they are not the sh-t.


I got so wasted last weekend..and hooked up with 5 girls...and 3 guys.

Arti kata tatnall bahasa

a school who thinks there good at fh...think again.. ths kicks ass...hell ya!!


Tower Hill beats Tatnall, again, 15-0!!

Arti kata tatnall bahasa

a delightfully gay ass school which thinks they are the shit but really have nothing better to do than to sit and make up definitions on urban dictionary all day. By the way sallies already has won 5 state titles in 2005. Plus they are ranked 8 nationally in soccer.


Dude did u see tatnall today, the suck big fat donkey dick

Arti kata tatnall bahasa

A small co-educational school located in Wilmington, Delaware that aspires to be exactly like Tower Hill. However, they have not yet realized that it is entirely impossible, because they are completely second rate in academics and athletics among other things. The girls can never be as pretty or fashionable as the THS girls, because they are mostly all sluts, excluding the ones that have the decency to wear a shirt that actually fits them, and the guys can only try to copy the statements that they see THS guys making when they are at away games and such. The only shred of acceptability that Tatnall has is that some of the THS kids that leave go to school there, making 1% of the population cool. Tatnall tries to out-do THS in sports by having their own cheerleading squad, which THS does not have, but what they actually are succeeding in doing is getting laughed at. There is also a familiar stench lurking about the school, especially in the bathrooms. Basically, Tatnall is just a group of Tower Hill wanna-bes with STDs.


(1) The day that Tatnall accepts the fact that they can never surpass Tower Hill is the day that pigs fly. (2) "I go to Tatnall. I pretend to hate Tower Hill when truthfully all I really want to do is become a hiller."

Arti kata tatnall bahasa

tatnall is a small, private school located in greenville, delaware. contrary to popular belief, no one from tatnall actually wants to be like any of the problem children at tower hill. why? because they're retarded and think that just because they have a good field hockey team they're the shit at sports. altough many tatnall girls are bitches to eachother, in actuality, they're usually nice to people out of school. only if you deserve it. tatnall has long been known to pop out a batch of particularly hot girls, along with the occasionally hot guy. while tower hill is home to only guys who try to be hot but they're just not, and girls who have their heads way too far up their own asses. just because there are a few sluts at tatnall, does not mean the rest of the girls are. but hey, all school have them.


although there may be a few sluts at tatnall, they don't even compare to kristen schindler (friends) and fran glick (tower hill).

Arti kata tatnall bahasa

a school in wilmington delaware where pompous assholes flock to in order to gain some sort of reputation. then they flaunt the fact they went to this puny institution like they were fuckin doogie houser or something


Yea. I went to tatnall. Bet you're glad you met me, huh? Now you can pretend you're my friend -note: most tatnall kids who pull this shit on sallies kids get cut. bad.

Arti kata tatnall bahasa

A private school that totally rocks your schools ass


I lurn reel good frum Tower Hill! YaaaaaaaaY!!!

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