Cara buat hashtag di youtube

Cara Membuat Hastag Tagar Agar Muncul di Atas Judul Video Youtube - Youtube merupakan salah satu media online penghasil uang terbesar untuk para kreator video. Youtube menjadi lahan bisnis yang menjajikan bagi setiap orang. Buktinya sudah banyak youtuber yang sukses meraup keuntungan dari iklan yang dimunculkan di dalam video mereka. Karena promosi apapun itu bisa dilakukan di youtube dan tentu itu lebih menarik banyak orang bisa langsung melihat / menonton melalui video yang ditayangkan. Maka dari itu sekarang mulai banyak sekali orang terjun ke youtube untuk upload video kreasi mereka untuk bisa dimonetisasi agar dapat menampilkan iklan dari google adsense.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

Bagi youtuber pemula tentu perlu mempelajari terlebih dahulu menu-menu kreator video yang ada di dalam youtube untuk meningkatkan viewer dan subcriber. Karena viewer dan subcriber adalah kewajiban yang paling penting oleh seorang youtuber untuk meningkatkan channel youtube mereka. Salah satunya adalah strategi pencarian konten video dengan menggunakan hastag atau tagar di dalam video yang di upload. Dengan menambahkan hastag tagar di dalam deskripsi video tentu dapat meningkatkan video menjadi mudah dicari dan mudah muncul di pencarian ketika seseorang mengetikkan kata kunci tersebut. Nah lalu bagaimana cara menambahkan hastag tagar agar bisa muncul di atas judul video youtube yang kita upload? Simak tutorial mudah berikut ini:

Cara Membuat Hastag Tagar Agar Muncul di Atas Judul Video Youtube

1. Buka channel Anda
2. Klik Youtube Studio
3. Lalu pilih menu Video
4. Klik Detail gambar pensil disamping kanan video

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

5. Tulis tagar tag di deskripsi bisa ditaruh di paling bawah

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

6. Jika sudah klik simpan dan silahkan cek videonya tagar pasti sudah muncul di atas judul video
7. Selesai

Cukup mudah sekali bukan cara membuat hastag tagar video youtube agar muncul di atas judul video. Keuntungan dengan menambahkan hastag tagar tersebut yaitu video akan lebih mudah dicari di pencarian youtube, sehingga bisa bersaing di youtube untuk ditonton oleh banyak orang. hehe...Tapi bukan hanya itu saja untuk meningkatkan viewer dan subcriber channel youtibe tentu kita juga harus produktif dalam membuat video yang lebih menarik dan bermanfaat bagi orang lain.

Sekian tutorial dari saya melalui tulisan ini semoga bisa menjadi referensi buat kalian Youtuber pemula yang ingin belajar dan mencari penghasilan dari youtube, semoga bermanfaat!

What Are YouTube Hashtags?

YouTube Hashtags (often referred to with the “#” symbol) are tags added to video titles and descriptions that denote a video’s topic or category. According to YouTube, hashtags can improve a video’s discoverability on the YouTube platform.

Hashtags on YouTube work like other social media platforms (for example, Twitter and Facebook). When you click on a hashtag, it takes you to other posts that also use that same hashtag.

Hashtags are shown in two places on a YouTube video page.

Above the video’s title:

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

Or inside of the video description box:

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

Can YouTube Hashtags Help You Get More Views?

The big question is: do hashtags help your video’s YouTube SEO?

According to the YouTube Creator Academy, hashtags can improve your SEO.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

Hashtags can help you get more views in three ways.

First, hashtags can lead people to your video from other videos that use the same hashtag.

For example, let’s say you just uploaded a video about marketing. And you added the hashtag #marketing to that video.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

Well, when people click on other videos with the #marketing hashtag, there’s a chance that will lead directly to your video.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

(Especially if you rank for that hashtag)

Also, people actually search in YouTube using hashtags as their keyword.

So when you optimize your video around that hashtag, you can rank for those hashtag searches.

Finally, just like with normal YouTube tags, hashtags help YouTube better understand your video content.

For example, hashtags like “#diet”, #paleo” and “#keto” help YouTube understand that your video is about health and fitness.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

And besides the SEO benefit, hashtags are a neat way to tie videos from your channel together… without playlists.

Gary Vaynerchuk uses the hashtag “#askgaryvee” to make it easy to find all of the Q&A videos from his channel.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

That said, hashtags aren’t going to magically result in more views. In fact, YouTube has warned that hashtags are not a guarantee for success.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

In other words: hashtags have the potential to help you get more views. But they’re not going to overcome other key factors in the YouTube algorithm (like Audience Retention).

Best Practices

How to Add YouTube Hashtags To Your Video

There are two different ways to add hashtags to your videos.

First, you can add hashtags to your video description.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

When you do, those hashtags will be linked inside of your description, like this:

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

Also, the first 3 hashtags that you use in your description will show up above your video title:

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

You can also add hashtags to your title itself. When you do, it will appear in the title itself.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

And, like any hashtag, the hashtag in your title is clickable.

How to Find Hashtags to Use In Your YouTube Videos

Here are a few actionable tips to help you find hashtags for YouTube.

Trending Videos: Check out YouTube’s trending videos category to see what type of content is trending right now.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

The downside of this is that most of the videos on this list probably aren’t super related to what your channel covers.

Which is why I recommend checking out trending videos on topics that you DO cover. Then, using some of their hashtags on your videos.

For example, we run a YouTube channel about SEO and digital marketing. And when you search for “SEO” on YouTube, you can see that the results are a mix of old and new videos.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

To zero-in on new and trending videos, set the “upload date” filter to this week.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

That will ONLY bring up videos that came out in the last week.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

Then, it’s just a matter of focusing on the handful of videos on that list that have an above-average amount of views.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

And if you find any related videos that use hashtags, consider adding those hashtags to your video.

Popular Competitor Videos: This is similar to the strategy I just showed you. But instead of ONLY looking at trending videos, you look at a channel’s all-time best performing videos.

Then, use those same hashtags on your video.

For example, this video from So Yummy has over 100M views.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

And if you’re in the cooking or baking niche, you might want to use some of the hashtags from that video on your video.

YouTube Suggest: This is a great tip for finding popular topics and trending hashtags.

All you need to do is type in “#” into YouTube search. And YouTube will show you hashtags that are most popular on YouTube right now.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

If you want to take this to the next level, type in “#a”, “#b” etc. to get even more hashtag ideas.

Be Aware That Hashtags on YouTube Have Downsides

One downside of using hashtags is that it can send people away from your video.

(Which can hurt your video’s Audience Retention)

For example, let’s say you add 3 hashtags to your description. Well, these hashtags are prominently displayed right below your video.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

Which makes it tempting for someone to click on one of those hashtags, which will send them away from your video.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

The boost in views you get from using hashtags can offset this loss. But it’s something to keep in mind.

Create a Branded Hashtag

One way to get around losing views from hashtags is to create a branded hashtag.

That way, when someone clicks on your branded hashtag, they go to search results that are dominated by your own videos… not videos from other channels.

For example, BrightSide uses “#brightside” as one of their 3 main hashtags.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

And, when you click on that hashtag, you get a list of more videos from their channel.

Cara buat hashtag di youtube

That way, even if the hashtag hurts a particular video’s Audience Retention, it won’t hurt their Session Time.

Tips and Advanced Strategies

  • Don’t Overdo It: You don’t need to go crazy with hashtags. In fact, if you go above 15 hashtags (what YouTube calls “over-tagging”) on a single video, YouTube ignores all of them. I recommend limiting your hashtags to 3-4 per video.
  • Use Relevant Hashtags: In other words, every hashtag should relate back to your video. Otherwise, you can get dinged by violating YouTube’s "misleading metadata" policy. So while it’s tempting to hop on a trending hashtag, keep in mind that every hashtag needs to be closely related to the content of your video.
  • Try Hashtag Tools: The strategies I covered here should give you plenty of hashtags to work with. But if you want even more hashtag ideas, a tool like can help. Just type in the topic of your video, and the tool will generate a list of hashtag suggestions:
    Cara buat hashtag di youtube
  • Learn More

    YouTube Hashtags – 5 Best Ways To Use Them: Actionable tips to help you get the most out of hashtags on YouTube.

    YouTube Hashtags For Views: Short video that outlines a unique, data-driven approach to using YouTube tags for SEO.

    Bagaimana cara membuat hashtag di YouTube?

    Menambahkan hashtag ke video YouTube.
    Masukkan simbol # di judul atau deskripsi. ... .
    Pilih hashtag yang direkomendasikan untuk mempromosikan video Anda di antara video lain dengan hashtag yang sama, atau buat sendiri untuk menemukan hashtag yang cocok untuk konten Anda..

    Apa itu hashtag di YouTube?

    Menurut Backlinko, hashtag YouTube (sering juga disebut dengan simbol '#') adalah tag yang ditambahkan ke judul dan deskripsi untuk menunjukkan topik atau kategori video. Sejatinya, hashtag di YouTube serupa dengan hashtag di media sosial lainnya.

    Bagaimana cara menulis hashtag?

    Hashtag adalah gabungan 2 perkataan yaitu Hash + Tag = Hashtag. Kadangkala juga ia disebut “sharp” atau simbol “pagar”. Simbol Hash = #. Tag pula boleh dikatakan sebagai penanda atau label untuk memudahkan kita mengenali, mencari dan menyusun sesuatu.

    Berapa maksimal tag di YouTube?

    YouTuber bisa menuliskan hingga 15 hashtag sekaligus pada kolom deskripsi, agar video lebih banyak muncul di mesin pencari YouTube. Sementara itu, hashtag pada judul video bersifat lebih terbatas. YouTuber hanya bisa menyisipkan tiga hashtag untuk muncul di atas judul video.