Cara mengatasi Sorry we couldn t find your file is it possible it was moved, renamed or deleted

I've looked around in other forums and all the threads I found concluded with either no solution given or a solution that doesn't fix my specific problem. Here is the full error message:

"Sorry, we couldn't find your file. Was it moved, renamed, or deleted?"

The file appears in my quick access and in the recent tab of Microsoft Word, but it doesn't appear in the file location that it's supposed to be in (which is why this error pops up when I try opening it). What happened was that Microsoft Word entered the "not responding" state and a prompt opened up asking me if I wanted to wait for the program, close the program, or restart the program. I pressed "restart the program" and tried to open the file I was just working on only to be prompted with this error message. I did save the file, I saved it right before the crash happened, so it's not that it got erased because I didn't save it. I already checked if it was in the UnsavedFiles folder and it wasn't there. I also already checked the Recycle Bin to see if it was there, it's not there. The document that appears in the quick access can't be copied and right-clicking it and clicking on properties shows that its size is 0 bytes. I've also tried opening the file with the "open and repair" option but it just gives the error when I try doing that. I also already tried restarting Word and my computer and it doesn't work. The file is saved locally on my computer and not on OneDrive or an external hard drive.

Solved: The issue was solved by using Disk Drill to recover the file. Yeah, the file just got deleted permanently without a trace for whatever reason.

Hey there @STEVEDEL248 - thanks for sharing what worked for you!

As you successfully pointed out, the issue you've been experiencing is probably due to a limitation of the applications that you're using to open the files in question. In short, there are files that your applications can't process correctly because they have file paths that are too long.  

In addition, this behavior is present if there are more than 255 characters in the entire file path. This means from the C:\ all the way to the extension of a file. Files will sync to and from those locations, however the applications used to open said files (e.g. Word, Notepad, Excel, etc.) might not support reading from these locations with long file paths and may show error messages when trying to open, save or edit these file (such as the one described in this thread). This is out of our control since the application developers would have to add support for long paths to resolve the issue.

You should be able to resolve the issues with your applications processing these files by simply renaming the file to a shorter name, renaming a folder to a shorter name, or reducing the number of sub-folders as you also outlined in your response. 

 I hope this information helps all of the affected users getting this error message.

Once again, thanks for using Dropbox and posting in our Forum. 

Cheers! ~ Mengatasi Dokumen Error We couldn’t open that file. Rename the file to use a shorter name… – Microsoft adalah perusahaan paling sukses diantara perusahaan lain dalam bidangnya, salah satunya dalam program pengolah dokumen.

Ketika kita membuat dokumen, microsoft telah menyediakan fitur-fitur yang sangat lengkap. Saking lengkapnya kadang orang-orang tidak tahu fungsi dari semua fitur-fitur yang ada… 😀

Microsoft telah melakukan update programnya secara berkala, dan microsoft office terbaru saat ini adalah Microsoft Office 2016. Terlepas dari itu semua, microsoft telah mengatasi error-error yang ada.

Misalnya tidak kompatibelnya antara Microsoft Office yang dulu dengan yang sekarang atau bahkan dokumen tidak bisa dibuka sama sekali, namun tetap saja saat ini masih ada error yang terjadi dan salah satunya adalah error yang akan saya bahas pada artikel kali ini.

Berikut cara mengatasi dokumen yang tidak bisa dibuka dan muncul pesan error “We couldn’t open that file. Rename the file to use a shorter name or copy it into different folder with a shorter path“.

Cara mengatasi Sorry we couldn t find your file is it possible it was moved, renamed or deleted
We Couldn’t Open That File

Sebenarnya error yang satu ini bukanlah error yang rumit atau apapun, error ini sangat mudah untuk dicari solusinya.

Mau tahu? Nih saya kasih tahu bulat.. Hehehe…

Jika kalian mahir bahasa inggris pastinya sudah paham apa pesan yang disampaikan oleh error tersebut.

Dalam pesan tersebut kita disuruh mengganti nama file atau memindah dokumen tersebut karena path yang terlalu panjang dan akhinya microsoft office tidak dapat membukanya.

Parah!!! 10 Dampak Virus Komputer Yang Wajib Diketahui

Path apa si maksudnya?

Path ini mengacu pada deskripsi lengkap dimana letak dokumen tersebut. Lihat kotak merah pada gambar dibawah ini.

Cara mengatasi Sorry we couldn t find your file is it possible it was moved, renamed or deleted
File Path

Nah bisa dilihat kan dari path aja udah panjang kan? Maka program microsoft office tidak dapat membuka dokumen tersebut.

Mungkin ada beberapa orang yang mencoba membuka file tersebut dengan cara Open File melalui program microsoft office langsung tapi hal itu sia-sia saja dan pasti muncul error seperti ini.

Cara mengatasi Sorry we couldn t find your file is it possible it was moved, renamed or deleted
Path Too Long

Cara Mengatasinya

1. Ganti Nama File

Ganti nama file/dokumen anda menjadi lebih singkat, jangan terlalu panjang. Disini saya rename/ganti nama file yang namanya panjang menjadi angka 1, setelah itu cobalah buka kembali dokumennya.

Cara mengatasi Sorry we couldn t find your file is it possible it was moved, renamed or deleted
File Name

2. Copy/Cut File

Kedua, coba salin atau pindah dokumen anda ke luar folder. Kalian boleh copy paste ke desktop, ke documents, atau downloads.

Intinya jangan terlalu banyak masuk folder karena path yang terlalu panjang menyebabkan dokumen tidak bisa dibuka oleh program microsoft office

Cara mengatasi Sorry we couldn t find your file is it possible it was moved, renamed or deleted
Copy File

Cara mengatasi Sorry we couldn t find your file is it possible it was moved, renamed or deleted
Paste File

Setelah itu cobalah buka dokumen anda.

3. Install Ulang Aplikasi

Jika salah satu cara diatas tidak membuahkan hasil, silahkan kombinasikan kedua cara tersebut. Bila masih saja tidak bisa maka anda perlu menginstall lagi Microsoft Office-nya.

Tahukah Anda Apa Arti Dibalik Tombol Accept?

Itulah cara mengatasi file yang tidak bisa dibuka dan muncul error “We couldn’t open that file. Rename the file to use a shorter name or copy it into different folder with a shorter path“.

Selain itu ada beberapa error yang sering terjadi, di bawah ini ada lagi jenis error yang sering terjadi di Ms. Word, silahkan baca artikel selengkapnya tentang :

Mengatasi File Ms Word Yang Tidak Bisa Dibuka We’re Sorry. We can’t open document because we found a problem with its contents

Untuk permasalahan yang lain, admin juga akan coba mencari tahu dan mencari solusinya juga.

Jika kalian mempunyai masalah yang berbeda dari hal diatas jangan sungkan untuk memberi tahu di kolom komentar ya.

Demikianlah yang dapat admin bagikan kali ini, semoga bermanfaat dan bisa membantu permasalahan teman-teman semua.

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