Cara menggunakan combine google sheet

A mail merge takes values from rows of a spreadsheet or other data source and inserts them into a template document. This lets you create a single "master" document (the template) from which you can generate many similar documents, each customized with the data being merged. The result is not necessarily used for mail or form letters, but can be for any purpose at all, such as generating a batch of customer invoices.

Mail merge has been around as long as there have been spreadsheets and word processors and is part of many business workflows today. The convention is to organize the data as one record per row, with the columns representing fields in the data, as shown in the following table:

ABC1NameAddressZone2UrbanPq123 1st St.West3Pawxana456 2nd St.South4etc...

The sample app on this page shows how you can use the Google Docs and Sheets (and Drive) APIs to abstract away the details of how mail merges are performed, protecting users from implementation concerns. More information on this sample can be found at the sample's open source repo.

You'll need to have a project set up first, so that you have some credentials to make this work. More information is available in the Quickstarts. Be sure to have the Google Drive, Sheets, and Docs APIs enabled in your project and have downloaded your credentials JSON file as credentials.json.

Sample application

This sample app copies your master template then merges variables from your designated data source into each of the copies. To try the sample app, first set up your template:

  • Create a new Google Docs file. Choose whatever template you wish to use. (Our sample template uses Letter/Spearmint.)
  • Note the document ID, which is the string that follows document/d/ (see DOCUMENT_ID) in the URL: //
  • Set the DOCS_FILE_ID variable in the code to that document ID.
  • Replace the contact information in the Doc with template placeholder variables that the app will merge with desired data.

Here is our sample letter template with placeholders to be merged with real data from a source such as a Google Sheet or plain text. Here's what that template looks like:

The form of the variables in the template is arbitrary. The example uses names enclosed in double braces {{LIKE THIS}} because text like that is extremely unlikely to appear in document content. This style of variable placeholder naming is similar to what you'll find in today's templating libraries.

Next, choose either plain text or Google Sheets as your data source by setting the SOURCE variable. It defaults to plain text, meaning the sample data in the TEXT_SOURCE_DATA variable. To source the data from a Google Sheet, update the SOURCE variable to credentials.json0 and point it to our sample (or yours) by setting the credentials.json1 variable. Here is our Sheet so you get an idea of the format:

Try the app with our sample data, then adapt to your data and use case. The command-line application works like this:

  • Setup
  • Fetch the data from the data source
  • Loop through each row of data
    • Create a copy of the template
    • Merge the copy with the data
    • Output link to newly-merged document

All of the new merged letters also show up in the user's Google Drive. An example of a merged letter looks something like this:

Source code



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from __future__ import print_function import time import google.auth from googleapiclient.discovery import build from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError # Fill-in IDs of your Docs template & any Sheets data source DOCS_FILE_ID = "195j9eDD3ccgjQRttHhJPymLJUCOUjs-jmwTrekvdjFE" SHEETS_FILE_ID = "11pPEzi1vCMNbdpqaQx4N43rKmxvZlgEHE9GqpYoEsWw" # authorization constants SCOPES = ( # iterable or space-delimited string '//', '//', '//', ) # application constants SOURCES = ('text', 'sheets') SOURCE = 'text' # Choose one of the data SOURCES COLUMNS = ['to_name', 'to_title', 'to_company', 'to_address'] TEXT_SOURCE_DATA = ( ('Ms. Lara Brown', 'Googler', 'Google NYC', '111 8th Ave\n' 'New York, NY 10011-5201'), ('Mr. Jeff Erson', 'Googler', 'Google NYC', '76 9th Ave\n' 'New York, NY 10011-4962'), ) creds, _ = google.auth.default() # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member # service endpoints to Google APIs DRIVE = build('drive', 'v2', credentials=creds) DOCS = build('docs', 'v1', credentials=creds) SHEETS = build('sheets', 'v4', credentials=creds) def get_data(source): """Gets mail merge data from chosen data source. """ try: if source not in {'sheets', 'text'}: raise ValueError(f"ERROR: unsupported source {source}; " f"choose from {SOURCES}") return SAFE_DISPATCH[source]() except HttpError as error: print(f"An error occurred: {error}") return error def _get_text_data(): """(private) Returns plain text data; can alter to read from CSV file. """ return TEXT_SOURCE_DATA def _get_sheets_data(service=SHEETS): """(private) Returns data from Google Sheets source. It gets all rows of 'Sheet1' (the default Sheet in a new spreadsheet), but drops the first (header) row. Use any desired data range (in standard A1 notation). """ return service.spreadsheets().values().get(spreadsheetId=SHEETS_FILE_ID, range='Sheet1').execute().get( 'values')[1:] # skip header row # data source dispatch table [better alternative vs. eval()] SAFE_DISPATCH = {k: globals().get('_get_%s_data' % k) for k in SOURCES} def _copy_template(tmpl_id, source, service): """(private) Copies letter template document using Drive API then returns file ID of (new) copy. """ try: body = {'name': 'Merged form letter (%s)' % source} return service.files().copy(body=body, fileId=tmpl_id, fields='id').execute().get('id') except HttpError as error: print(f"An error occurred: {error}") return error def merge_template(tmpl_id, source, service): """Copies template document and merges data into newly-minted copy then returns its file ID. """ try: # copy template and set context data struct for merging template values copy_id = _copy_template(tmpl_id, source, service) context = merge.iteritems() if hasattr({}, 'iteritems') else merge.items() # "search & replace" API requests for mail merge substitutions reqs = [{'replaceAllText': { 'containsText': { 'text': '{{%s}}' % key.upper(), # {{VARS}} are uppercase 'matchCase': True, }, 'replaceText': value, }} for key, value in context] # send requests to Docs API to do actual merge DOCS.documents().batchUpdate(body={'requests': reqs}, documentId=copy_id, fields='').execute() return copy_id except HttpError as error: print(f"An error occurred: {error}") return error if __name__ == '__main__': # fill-in your data to merge into document template variables merge = { # sender data 'my_name': 'Ayme A. Coder', 'my_address': '1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy\n' 'Mountain View, CA 94043-1351', 'my_email': '//', 'my_phone': '+1-650-253-0000', # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # recipient data (supplied by 'text' or 'sheets' data source) 'to_name': None, 'to_title': None, 'to_company': None, 'to_address': None, # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'date': time.strftime('%Y %B %d'), # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'body': 'Google, headquartered in Mountain View, unveiled the new ' 'Android phone at the Consumer Electronics Show. CEO Sundar ' 'Pichai said in his keynote that users love their new phones.' } # get row data, then loop through & process each form letter data = get_data(SOURCE) # get data from data source for i, row in enumerate(data): merge.update(dict(zip(COLUMNS, row))) print('Merged letter %d:' % ( i + 1, merge_template(DOCS_FILE_ID, SOURCE, DRIVE)))

For more information, see the README as well as the full application source code at this sample app's open source repo.

Importrange untuk apa?

IMPORTRANGE adalah fungsi data eksternal, seperti halnya IMPORTXML dan GOOGLEFINANCE . Artinya, fungsi ini memerlukan koneksi internet agar dapat berfungsi.

Bagaimana cara membagikan respon Google Sheet ke orang lain?

Berbagi spreadsheet Masukkan alamat email atau grup yang ingin diajak berbagi. Pilih jenis akses yang ingin diberikan kepada orang lain: Editor, Pemberi komentar, atau Pengakses lihat-saja. Klik Kirim.

Bagaimana cara wrap text di spreadsheet?

Klik menu “Format”, maka akan muncul ragam pilihan fitur lain yang bisa kamu pilih sesuai kebutuhan. Arahkan panah mouse atau jari kamu ke bagian bawah. Temukan fitur “Wrap Text”. Jika Spreadsheet kamu menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia, maka nama fiturnya akan berubah menjadi “Pengemasan Teks”.

Apa saja rumus spreadsheet?

Berikut daftar rumus Google Sheets yang paling dibutuhkan:.
SUM. Pertama adalah rumus SUM yang berguna untuk melakukan penjumlahan. ... .
2. AVERAGE. Selain penjumlahan, rumus umum lainnya yang pasti Anda butuhkan adalah mencari rata-rata dari sebuah data. ... .
3. COUNT. ... .
MAX. ... .
MIN. ... .
TRIM. ... .
PROPER. ... .

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