Cara menggunakan php upload 1gb file

* This function moves the archives and directoryes of a directory of
* origin for a directory destination being able replace them or not.

function mvdir($oldDir, $newDir, $replaceFiles = true) {

    if ($oldDir == $newDir) {
        trigger_error("Destination directory is equal of origin.");
        return false;

    if (!($tmpDir = opendir($oldDir))) {
        trigger_error("It was not possible to open origin directory.");
        return false;

    if (!is_dir($newDir)) {
        trigger_error("It was not possible to open destination directory.");
        return false;

    while (($file = readdir($tmpDir)) !== false) {

        if (($file != ".") && ($file !== "..")) {

            $oldFileWithDir = $oldDir . $file;
            $newFileWithDir = $newDir . $file;

            if (is_dir($oldFileWithDir)) {

                @mkdir($newFileWithDir."/", 0777);
                @mvdir($oldFileWithDir."/", $newFileWithDir."/", $replaceFiles);

function mvdir($oldDir, $newDir, $replaceFiles = true) {0

function mvdir($oldDir, $newDir, $replaceFiles = true) {1

function mvdir($oldDir, $newDir, $replaceFiles = true) {2

function mvdir($oldDir, $newDir, $replaceFiles = true) {3

function mvdir($oldDir, $newDir, $replaceFiles = true) {4

function mvdir($oldDir, $newDir, $replaceFiles = true) {5

function mvdir($oldDir, $newDir, $replaceFiles = true) {6

function mvdir($oldDir, $newDir, $replaceFiles = true) {7

function mvdir($oldDir, $newDir, $replaceFiles = true) {8

If you’re expecting big file uploads, some considerations have to be taken into account. Setups based on your needs can be configured.

General Considerations

  • Make sure that a version of PHP supported by ownCloud is installed.

  • Consider that user quotas may prevent big file uploads due to a user reaching the space limitation.

  • Though ownCloud already disables the PHP setting Output Buffering in the shipped PrivateTmp=false3 and PrivateTmp=false4 to prevent PHP memory-related errors, it can be the case that you must manually set it in your PrivateTmp=false5 or PrivateTmp=false6 when the other two configuration files can’t be used in your environment.

  • The directory used for PrivateTmp=false7 must be fully accessible by PHP / the webserver user, usually PrivateTmp=false8.

  • Your temp directory or partition has to be big enough to hold multiple parallel uploads from multiple users. The formula for this is PrivateTmp=false9
    For example, if the chunk size is 10MB (which is the default but might vary between different clients) and the average number of users uploading at the same time is 25, then you’ll need 250MB of temp space, as the formula below shows.

    10MB x 25 users = 250MB required temp space

  • The user’s upload directory, usually in sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart httpd0 (see for details) also has to be big enough. The formula is a bit different, as this directory collects all chunks of a file for that upload for that user until the upload is completed. The space needed for this directory is temporarily the same size as for the final file size. As an example, if a user wants to upload a 4GB file, temporarily 4GB of space needs to be available in the upload directory to hold the chunks. When the upload has finished, all chunks are written to the final destination and the chunks are deleted afterwards freeing that temporary space. The formula for the upload directory’s temp space for all users is: sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart httpd1. The location of the upload directory can be defined via the config setting .

The space temporarily consumed in the upload directory will not count against the user quota. If a user has no quota left in his peronal storage and the quota excludes external mounts, uploads to a windows network drive share as example will succeed. The file temporarily created in the upload directory will not count against his personal storage.

  • In Centos and RHEL, Apache has a few more default configurations within systemd.

    You will have to set the sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart httpd2 directory in two places:

    1. In php.ini, e.g., sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart httpd3

    2. In Apache systemd file e.g. sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart httpd4 and change/add:


    When done, you need to reload the daemon and restart the service:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart httpd

    Please do not change sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart httpd5 directly, only use sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart httpd4. If not doing so, a httpd package upgrade may revert your changes.

Configuration via .htaccess/user.ini

ownCloud comes with its own sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart httpd7 file. When using sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart httpd8, PHP settings in PrivateTmp=false3 are not accessed. These settings must then be set in the PrivateTmp=false4 file. sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart httpd8 will read settings from any .user.ini file in the same directory as the .php file that is being served via a web server.

Set the following parameters inside the corresponding file using your own desired values, as in the following examples, both files are located in the ownCloud root folder:


post_max_size=16G output_buffering=0 upload_max_filesize=16G upload_tmp_dir=/mnt/php_big_temp/


php_value post_max_size=16G php_value output_buffering=0 php_value upload_max_filesize=16G php_value upload_tmp_dir=/mnt/php_big_temp/

If you see PHP timeouts in your log files, increase the timeout values, which are in seconds, as in the example below. Use the post_max_size=16G output_buffering=0 upload_max_filesize=16G upload_tmp_dir=/mnt/php_big_temp/2 prefix like above when configuring the PrivateTmp=false3 file:

max_input_time=3600 max_execution_time=3600

Consider that any settings made in PrivateTmp=false3 or PrivateTmp=false4 may need to be repopulated after an upgrade of ownCloud.

Configuring via PHP Global Settings

If you don’t want to use the ownCloud PrivateTmp=false3 or PrivateTmp=false4 file, you may configure PHP globally instead. Make sure to comment out or remove any lines in PrivateTmp=false3 if you added any like in the section above.

If you are running ownCloud on a 32-bit system, any post_max_size=16G output_buffering=0 upload_max_filesize=16G upload_tmp_dir=/mnt/php_big_temp/9 directive in your PrivateTmp=false5 file needs to be commented out.

See the Loaded Configuration File section of to find your relevant php.ini files.

Set the following parameters inside the corresponding php.ini file using your own desired file size values, as in the following example:

post_max_size=16G output_buffering=0 upload_max_filesize=16G upload_tmp_dir=/mnt/php_big_temp/

If you see PHP timeouts in your log files, increase the timeout values, which are in seconds, as in the example below:

max_input_time=3600 max_execution_time=3600

Configuring via a Virtual Host

You can configure php parameters also per virtual host - if you have access to the Apache configuration file. This eliminates the need to maintain custom settings in a PrivateTmp=false4 or PrivateTmp=false3 file especially on upgrades. Note the mandatory prefix php_value post_max_size=16G php_value output_buffering=0 php_value upload_max_filesize=16G php_value upload_tmp_dir=/mnt/php_big_temp/3 before the php parameter.

<VirtualHost *:443> DocumentRoot /var/www/owncloud ServerName php_admin_value post_max_size 16G php_admin_value output_buffering 0 php_admin_value upload_max_filesize 16G php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir /mnt/php_big_temp/ ...

If you see PHP timeouts in your log files, increase the timeout values, which are in seconds, as in the example below:

php_admin_value max_input_time 3600 php_admin_value max_execution_time 3600

Configuring via ownCloud

As an alternative to the PrivateTmp=false7 of PHP (e.g., if you don’t have access to your PrivateTmp=false5) you can also configure some parameters in php_value post_max_size=16G php_value output_buffering=0 php_value upload_max_filesize=16G php_value upload_tmp_dir=/mnt/php_big_temp/6.

  • Set a temporary location for uploaded files by using the php_value post_max_size=16G php_value output_buffering=0 php_value upload_max_filesize=16G php_value upload_tmp_dir=/mnt/php_big_temp/7 setting.

  • If you have configured the php_value post_max_size=16G php_value output_buffering=0 php_value upload_max_filesize=16G php_value upload_tmp_dir=/mnt/php_big_temp/8 setting in your php_value post_max_size=16G php_value output_buffering=0 php_value upload_max_filesize=16G php_value upload_tmp_dir=/mnt/php_big_temp/6, see Sample Config PHP Parameters, make sure it is not too low. This setting needs to be configured to at least the time (in seconds) that the longest upload will take. If unsure, remove this entirely from your configuration to reset it to the default shown in the max_input_time=3600 max_execution_time=36000.

General Upload Issues

Various environmental factors could cause a restriction of the upload size. Examples are:

  • The max_input_time=3600 max_execution_time=36001 of max_input_time=3600 max_execution_time=36002 which sets an max_input_time=3600 max_execution_time=36003.

  • Some services like max_input_time=3600 max_execution_time=36004 are also known to cause uploading issues.

  • Upload limits enforced by proxies used by your clients.

  • Other web server modules like described in General Troubleshooting.

Apache Directives

Apache with mod_reqtimeout

The mod_reqtimeout Apache module could also stop large uploads from completing. If you’re using this module and uploads of large files fail, either disable it in your Apache config or increase the configured max_input_time=3600 max_execution_time=36005 values.

Disable mod_reqtimeout on Ubuntu

On Ubuntu, you can disable the module by running the following command:


Disable mod_reqtimeout on CentOS

On CentOS, comment out the following line in max_input_time=3600 max_execution_time=36006:


When you have run max_input_time=3600 max_execution_time=36007 or updated max_input_time=3600 max_execution_time=36006, restart Apache.

There are also several other configuration options in your web server config which could prevent the upload of larger files. Refer to your web server’s manual for how to configure those values correctly:

Apache with mod_fcgid

If you are using Apache 2.4 with mod_fcgid, as of February/March 2016, max_input_time=3600 max_execution_time=36009 still needs to be significantly increased from its default value to avoid the occurrence of segmentation faults when uploading big files. This is not a regular setting but serves as a workaround for Apache with mod_fcgid bug #51747.

Setting max_input_time=3600 max_execution_time=36009 significantly higher than usual may no longer be necessary, once bug #51747 is fixed.

Long-Running Uploads

For very long-running uploads those lasting longer than 1h to public folders, when chunking is not in effect, post_max_size=16G output_buffering=0 upload_max_filesize=16G upload_tmp_dir=/mnt/php_big_temp/1 should be set to a significantly large value in php_value post_max_size=16G php_value output_buffering=0 php_value upload_max_filesize=16G php_value upload_tmp_dir=/mnt/php_big_temp/6. If not, large file uploads will fail with a file locking error, because the Redis garbage collection will delete the initially acquired file lock after 1 hour by default.

To estimate a good value, use the following formula:


For the value of "slowest assumed upload connection", take the upload speed of the user with the slowest connection and divide it by two. For example, let’s assume that the user with the slowest connection has an 8MBit/s DSL connection; which usually indicates the download speed. This type of connection would, usually, have 1MBit/s upload speed (but confirm with the ISP). Divide this value in half, to have a buffer when there is network congestion, to arrive at 512KBit/s as the final value.

Berapa ukuran default file yang diatur di upload_max_filesize?

Untuk mengatur ukuran upload file , maka pilih upload_max_filesize kemudian klik pada ukuran yang tertera. Secara default, ukuran upload file yaitu 2 M yang berarti 2 MB. Anda dapat menyesuaikan dengan kapasitas ukuran upload file yang anda inginkan.

Apa maksud The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize Directive in php ini?

Error “The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini” merupakan pesan error yang muncul ketika pengguna mencoba mengunggah file, gambar, maupun tema melebihi kapasitas yang sudah ditentukan. WordPress mempunyai batas ukuran maksimal.

Apa artinya Maximum file size exceeded?

Untuk error tersebut sebenarnya sudah umum, yang maksudnya adalah maksimal ukuran file yang di upload terlalu besar daripada batasan ukuran maksimal file server hostingnya.

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