Cara menggunakan scramble word python

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Python: Tips of the Day

Enum Class:

Here is another classy approach from Python, no pun intended. Python's enum class will let you create enum object members with constant and unique values which then can be listed, compared or used for identification.

Given some data in a text file, the task is to scramble the text and output in a separate text file. So, we need to write a Python program that reads a text file, scrambles the words in the file and writes the output to a new text file.

Rules to be followed: 

On executing the program, it should prompt the user to enter input file name and generate an output file with scrambled text. The output file should be named by appending the word “Scrambled” to the input file name.


Input : MyFile.txt -> Scrambling words is very interesting. Because even if they are scrambled, it doesn't impact our reading. Because we don't read letter by letter, we read the word as a whole. Output : MyFileScrambled.txt -> Srbmnacilg words is very itrensientg. Bscauee even if tehy are srelabcmd, it dosn'et ipcmat our raidneg. Bacusee we dn'ot raed lteetr by letetr, we raed the word as a wolhe.

Below is the implementation :  


import random


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