Cara sharing printer Windows 7 32 bit ke Windows 10 64 bit

1. Install Driver Printer pada salah satu komputer yg akan dijadikan Sever induk dari printer yg akan di share ke banyak komputer/laptop.
2. Klik Start > Devices and Printers > Double klik pada icon printer yang akan dishare atau klik kanan pilih Printer Properties
3. Pilih menu tab Sharing dan centang “Share this printer” dan “Render print jobs on client” ketikan pula Type printer yang akan di share.

1. Nah bagian ini yg penting agar bisa di share ke komputer/laptop/notebook yang sistem operasinya Windows 32 bit dan 64 bit /Windows XP klik “Additionel drivers” centang x64 dan x86 > OK.
2. Terkadang waktu mencentang x64 ada permintaan untuk mencari suatu file *.inf (driver pendukung untuk 64 bit). Silahkan klik browse ke cd driver anda & otomatis akan terinstall. atau secara manual saya pernah coba pada printer Canon MP287 di bagian Path Folder Driver>pilih salah satu file, untuk 64 bit>MP280P6 untuk 32bit MP280P. Setelah itu klik OK.

3. Untuk mengakses printer di komputer yg terhunung, tinggal dobbel klik icon printer yg dishare, dan otomatis terinstall dan dapat digunakan.


This entry was posted on Friday, October 31st, 2014 at 4:11 pm and is filed under IT, Windows Server 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

Berbagi/menshare printer dalam jaringan komputer di dunia kerja akan sangat mengefesienkan budget, dimana 1 printer dapat digunakan bersama-sama oleh beberapa user. Misalnya ada 10 Komputer dalam ruangan  jadi tak perlu membeli 10 printer, namun ada sedikit kendala jika menshare antara Os windows 32 bit dan 64 bit, atau berbeda Bit Os windows, kali ini saya akan mencoba Share printer Epson Lx-310 untuk x86 dan x64 agar Os yang berbeda bit, bisa terhubung/connect printer pada komputer induk printer.

Konfigurasi Share Printer

  1. Install Driver Printer pada salah satu komputer yang akan dijadikan komputer induk printer yang akan di share pada komputer dalam satu jaringan
  2. Klick Start->Devices and Printer->Klick kanan pada Printer yang akang dishare->Printer Propertis->Pilih Tab Share->Selanjutnya Centang Share Printer->OK

Nah Ini bagian yang penting agar komputer yang Operating Systemnya 64 bit agar bisa teruhubung /connect ke Printer Indux x86 

Konfigurasi share Printer x64

  1. Klick kanan pada printer->pilih Printer Properties->Pilih tab Share->Klick Additional Printer dan Centang x64->pilih OK dan browse Pilih Driver printer x64->Open->ok

  2. Setelah itu akan muncul lagi dialog instal component from windows media, kita harus menginstal driver tersebut agar printer bisa digunakan di komputer yang Osnya 64 bit.

  3. Klick Browse->dan cari driver amd64_ntprint.inf yang di perlukan->setelah itu pilih Ok

  4. Setelah semua selesai cek centang x64/ 64bit apabila berubah warna menjadi kecoklatan itu artinya komputer yang Osnya 64 bit, bisa menghubungkanya dengan Printer Induk Epson LX3-310

Cara Ini berhasil. selamat mencoba.

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  • Question

  • Here's the environment: (2 scenarios)

    Scenario 1;

    XP Pro 32 bit PC sharing USB HP LaserJet 3200 with universal PCL 5 (v.5.2) drivers with the "Traditional" installation mode (as opposed to the "Dynamic" mode) option.  Printer is shared.

    Windows 7 32 bit PC workgroup members can R-mouse-click  and "Connect" successfully.  Windows 7 and Vista 64 bit PC workgroup members cannot.

    We have 32 bit drivers and 64 bit drivers installed on their respective OS environments. They do not cooperate for the same print device on a 32 bit system from  x64 bit environments?

    I need a solution.  Preferably to be able to share from the W2K3 server to ALL respective clients, regardless or their system bus width and their required 32 v.s. 64 bit drivers.  I am staying with the W2K3 server, which is 32 bit on a 32 bit Intel based Dell system.  So, if you must provide only one reply go with that.  Otherwise, I am looking 1st for the ONE serving ALL.  The ONE could be either W7 64 bit serving ALL (32 and 64 bit PC's) or vice versa.


    Scenario 2;

    Windows 2003 R2 & SP2 x86 (32 bit) server sharing a USB LaserJet 3200 PCL printer with network domain clients with 32 bit and 64 bit PC's wanting to share.  Only 32 bit drivers are on the W2K3 server.

    This seems to be more of a universal question than printer drive specific solution, either way, my concern is for the legacy HP LaserJet 3200 printer.


  • Hi,

    I suggest adding the printer as a local printer.

    1. Go to Devices and Printers

    2. Click Add a printer

    3. In the Add Printer Wizard, select Add a local printer.

    4. On the Choose a printer port page, make sure that the Use an existing port option button and the recommended printer port are selected, and then click Next.

    5. On the Install the printer driver page, select the printer manufacturer and model, and then click Next

    Then check the following solution.


    Note: Since the website is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    Regarding the printer issue on Server, it is better to get the answer on Server Forum.

    Win Server Forum


    Best Regards,


    Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    • Marked as answer by Tuesday, May 31, 2011 1:55 AM

  • The 64bit driver name has to match the 32bit driver name.  If one is PCL 5 and the other PCL5 (v5.2), they do not match

    Alan Morris Windows Printing Team

    • Marked as answer by Niki Han Tuesday, May 31, 2011 1:55 AM

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