Funny texts to get her to respond

Are you looking for a  funny text message to send to Him or her? Here are the best collections for you, Learning how to text a guy to keep him interested means you’ll need to pay attention to patterns and tempos? Be observant and you’ll soon see that he texts you at the same time(ish) every day. Surprise him by beating him to it some days.

Funny Texts to Get His Attention

• I peep at the clock from time to time, but then I realized it’s still a long away from seeing your pretty face again.

• There can be no other way to make you smile than reminding you of how little your head is. Have a lovely day.

• Hold on; I think you have something in your eye. Never mind, it’s just a reflection of a beautiful heart!

• You must have a chronic disease called you because you infect me with your kindness and charm.

• I know I wasn’t part of your past but allow me to be the happiness of your present the reason for your future.

• Mirror Mirror on the wall! Who is the fairest of them all?’ I asked the magic mirror. “It is She who has made you happy and still leaves you unsatisfied,” it replied.

• Sometimes I feel the weather is playing a trick on me because it suddenly gets cold anytime I see you smile.

• You are under arrest for stealing my heart, and you shall be imprisoned in mine forever.

• Hello, today I want to ask you about heaven because a lady like you is definitely from there.

• Hey, call the ambulance because I think I just broke my ankle falling for you.

• I must be in a time loop because falling in love with you over and over again.

• Your beauty is enough to brighten the night skies.

• I think it’s time to report you to the Environmental agency because your hotness is one cause of global warming.

• My eyes seem heavy, not because I’m sleepy. I can’t seem to take them off you.

• I think you need to see the doctor. You have a beauty all over your face!

• I’m leaving the entryway yet needed to say, Hey!”

• Hey! Just got your message. Been 100% occupied!”

• Saw the game the previous evening. Sorry that your group lost. Perhaps one year from now!”

• Work is insane. Off to another gathering. Going show off?

• I’m occupied at this moment, however, will message you back later.”

• I had the most extravagant fantasy the previous evening! Wanna hear more?”

• Top Funny Texts to Get Her Attention for Yourself Alone

• 16. If our love were a spaceship, I’d call it ‘You and I’, and we’ll fly across a thousand galaxies of love and happiness.

• 17. My feelings for you remind me of an airport. Your presence makes my heart take off!

• 18. I feel like water in the beautiful hills of your heart because I keep falling for you.

• 19. All my life, I’ve been searching for the lost key — not the one to the treasure chest of El-Dorado but to the door to your heart.

• 20. I think I should already call the police on you because it feels illegal looking like that!

• Do you have a map? Because anytime I look into your eyes, I become lost!

• It always feels like the nighttime when I’m with you because I see stars twinkling inside those fantastic eyes of yours.

• Quick! Call the ambulance! Someone just fell from heaven!

• Do you have the number to then angels? I want to inform them that one of theirs is lost down here on earth.

• If our relationship is a tragedy crime drama, I want to be the thief who steals you and runs away for good!

• It does feel like Antarctica whenever I’m with you because I always get cold feet.

• You just damaged the thermometer for been so freaking hot!

• Hey there, if you see this, press 1 to acknowledge and press two if you are bored and want me to come and save you from it.

• If you are trash, I would love to take you out every day and call it my new job!

• I’m going to call the police right now because you keep lurking in my mind, and it’s driving me crazy.

• I check on at the clock every once in a while, however, then I understood it’s as yet a long away from seeing your pretty face once more.

• There can be no other method to make you grin than helping you to remember how little your head is. Have a stunning day.

• Hold on; I think you have something in your eye. It doesn’t matter, it’s simply an impression of a lovely heart!

• You must have an ongoing illness called you since you taint me with your benevolence and appeal.

• I realize I wasn’t important for your past however permit me to be the satisfaction of your present the explanation behind your future.

• Mirror Mirror on the divider! Who is the most attractive of all?’ I asked the enchantment reflect. “It is She who has made you upbeat and still leaves you unsatisfied,” it answered.

• Sometimes I feel the climate is pulling a prank on me since it out of nowhere gets cold whenever I see you grin.

• You will be locked up for winning my love, and you will be detained in mine eternity.

• Hello, today I need to get some information about paradise in light of the fact that a polite you are unquestionably from that point.

• Hey, call the emergency vehicle since I think I just broke my lower leg succumbing to you.

Funny Texts to Get a Guy’s Attention to Yourself

• 31. Hey Girl, you must be tired because you keep running in my mind all week!

• 32. Are you looking for a job? Because I need a driver to drive me crazy.

• 33. Can I borrow your heart forever? I promise to give it back.

• 34. Hey dear, I just thought of the perfect crime. I steal your heart, and you take mine.

• 35. I want to be an Engineer and you to be a Doctor so that we can build a healthy relationship together.

• 36. Hey, babe. I want you to feel the texture of my heart. It’s made of excellent boyfriend material.

• 37. If you happened to be the geometric shape, you’d be an acute triangle.

• 38. Would you kiss me if I’m wrong? The world is square!

• 39. If I happened to receive a penny for every single moment you make me smile; I’d be the richest man that has ever lived.

• 40. Your beauty is so confusing I forgot to pick up my lines when coming.

• Hey Girl, my name is Handsome, and you must be beautiful. Nice to meet you.

• You make me blind from the brightness of your smile and deaf from the sound of my heartbeat any time I see that smile.

• I didn’t realize that Angels could live on earth and possess the body of humans!

• Hey ma’am, are you lost? Because heaven is up there, and you are down here.

• My doctor just informed me that I’m suffering from a chronic ailment called YOU.

Funny Texts to Get a Girl’s Attention to Yourself

• Hey Girl, I hope you know CPR, and I’ll need it because you always take my breath away.

• I don’t know how you do it. There can be no explanation. There is no theory whatsoever. It is, indeed, a mystery. How do you always look so damn good?

• Hey, do you happen to have any first aid box? I think I just injured my knee falling for you.

• I have a brilliant idea. Why don’t we name your heart, New York? So I can visit it this holiday.

• If I were to have a penny for every single woman I meet who is more gorgeous as you, I’d be the poorest man on earth.

• I am happy because I have someone like you in my word; you are the gorgeous woman on earth.

• If I was told five years back that I will be this happy again, then I’ll say to the person that he is the biggest lie on this earth.

• Thank you so much for everything, but you still own me one thing, which is your heart.

• If I can open my heart for you to see, then you will be the first person I’ll open it to show you how important you are to me.

• Hello baby, what are you going to do tonight? If you are free, I need a hand to move with tonight.

• Hi sweetie, if you were an ocean, then I will be fish because you are too romantic.

• I need you more than a required car Petro to survive, ask me I’m a car?

• If were the queen of the north, then I’ll be your humble savant that obeys every command you ordered.

• Obviously, if you want his attention, you have to be on his radar. In order for this to happen, you have to spend time with him. If you’re looking for a more direct approach to getting a guy’s attention.

Funny Texts for Get His Attention for Yourself

• People say nothing is possible, but with you everything is possible.

• I want to be the reason you look down at your phone and smile and then walk into a pole.

• I love you more than coffee, but please don’t make me prove it.

• You may fall from the sky, you may fall from a tree, but the best way to fall is to fall in love with you.

• I think I lost my falling for you at first.

• Do you ever believe in love at first sight? Or should I pass you by again?

• Hey baby girl, do you have a band-aid? I need one because I found myself falling for you.

• I’m not an expert photographer, but I can picture us together, living delicate and beautiful and happy.

• You’re so gorgeous to the extent I forgot all my pick-up lines.

• You make me blind from your shining and loving beauty.

• If I have my way, then I’ll install an APP inside your heart so that I will find you whenever I need you.

• I pass by a tree and me cute the tree smiling when I flashback, it was precisely the way you smile.

• I feel devastated whenever you are not around because a smile is a fragrance.

• If love is a crime, I’m willing to be arrested and detained in the dungeons of your heart forever.

• Me, without you, Is like a word without a human being.

• Top Funny Text Messages to Get His Attention for Yourself

• I graduated from the school of love, and I came out with a good result, now am looking for work, do you have work for me?

• I am the best student in my school, do you know why?

• Because I am deferent from others, I always took first in every subject, even in smiling.

• You are a hot coffee, guess what I am? My favourite drink.

• Guess what is in my mind Wright now? I am starving, and I don’t know what to earth you or food, food, I think yes.

• Hello baby, I sored you last night, and I was shocked. I never knew you’re that handsome.

• People think I was little beet crazy because the only time I smile at my phone alone is when I am busy looking at your pix.

• wanna be my girlfriend? I don’t put the D because you’ll get that letter.

• I am going to make you laugh all the time until you forget that I am ugly.

• I’m going to learn your entire mom’s favourite precipice so that you’ll never need her again.

• I was told to make you smile that you will fall for me, but anytime you smile am the one who is falling.

• It’s always tricky to make a woman happy, then gave them a chance to make your day, smile there done.

• Thank you so much for still being there for me.

• You are the type of guy all the girls will want to have in their life.

• 80. And here I have all to myself, how sweet, but you are knotty.

 Fun Texts to Get His Attention for Yourself

• Even at that am crazy about you, and I can’t get hold of myself when it comes to love you.

• I must say loving you is something else, I can even define it.

• Can I ask you something, please?

• if you love me as you always use to say, then I want you to prove it to me by yes to my proposal.

• Because you guys can be knotty sometimes.

• Don’t think I doubt you okay, I was making sure that things are going normal.

• I hope you understand, it is just a regular talk, and don’t be crazy about it.

• I am like crazy about you right now, wherever you are, better come back soon.

• Before I oration your love, I believe you are aware that people are made to get it.

• Smiles there you are, I know that is the only language you understand.

• Sorry, I use that trick on you, it is just that I am missing you and I am left with no options.

• One thing is for sure, you cannot stop loving me, and that is the truth.

• Me, you have no deferent at all.

• The way you smile, the way you earth, the way you talk, hmm, tell me, are you, my twin?

• Thanks for making me a happy man, if not for you, who knows what could have become of me.

• And I’m so much in love with that cute smile of yours.

• Do you know why you never stop amazing me, and I’m adept at it?

• My house is so big and massive, for you and me, I don’t mind if you come live with me.

• I adore you, I love you, I cherish you for one thing, and that is your smile.

• Babe, I promise you, I will never let you down, I will always be they for you.

  Funny Text Message to Make a Girl Laugh

• I have an extra heart to transplant,, I kept it from my ex because she never uses it. All you have to do is just ask for it and it shall be given, without a doubt.

• I think you get someone to prepare a map for you because I really need to find you, look for you whenever you are not around me.

• I wake up this morning and I think of your love towards me and it tells me that it’s just like the shining sun, melting me down every time we are together.

• if loving you was something that should never have been done, and that can not stop me from loving you, then I will have been in hell by now.

• Whenever you come to our house always stays at the gate, because you don’t know what I might be doing inside, I might be changing and you cannot come in at that moment.

• Hey you there, Yes you looking at me, what in the name of Christ or should I say what scenario are you trying to create over there.

• I saw the cute rising of the sun this morning and squirrel gathering nuts today at the estate and it brought a picture of you into my mind.

• I swear to choose the kind of shape you are to be, I would choose an acute triangle because that is the best angle for someone like you.

• Before I met you, there is someone I use to like, someone I like to spend my time with, someone that makes me happy, then I met you, you make me happier.

• If you are to rate your day with percentage, how many can you rate it, If it’s below 50, let’s start acting fast to fit that?

• I want to tell you something, are you sure you are up to 18, if no, then forget it, if Yes, then let the conversation begin.

• Sweetest pie, baby, honey bee, honeycomb, sunshine. If you will not answer to these pet names, they’re gonna start getting horrible.

• I Wanna come over this to your house this very night, what should I come with, should I come with a candle?

• If you were something that sticks to someone I like you to be sticking on my body so that I will always see you every time…

• If you were a vegetable, you’d be a red strew-berry.

• Do you know what is written all over my t-shirt? Best boyfriend in the world…

• Do you know what? The boyfriend material is not far from me.

• I was definitely feeling a bit off today, but you all of a sudden switched me.

• Sorry, do you know that you owe me a bottle of drink? And do you know why Because when I saw you, I dropped mine? How’s about tomorrow?

• You’re looking so cold…will you like to use me as a blanket?

 Funny Text Messages to Get His Attention

• In the event that I can open my heart for you to see, at that point, you will be the main individual I’ll open it to show you that you are so critical to me.

• Much obliged to you such a great amount for everything, except you actually own me a certain something, which is your heart.

• In the event that I was told five years back that I will be this glad once more, at that point I’ll state to the individual that he is the greatest lie on this planet.

• I am cheerful in light of the fact that I have somebody like you in my promise; you are the stunning lady on earth.

• I realize I wasn’t important for your past however permit me to be the joy of your present the explanation behind your future.

• Mirror on the divider! Who is the most attractive of all?’ I asked the wizardry reflect. “It is She who has made you glad and still leaves you unsatisfied,” it answered.

• Now and again I feel the climate is pulling a prank on me since it out of nowhere gets cold whenever I see you grin.

• You will be locked up for winning my love, and you will be detained in mine eternity.

• Hi, today I need to get some information about paradise in light of the fact that a polite you are unquestionably from that point.

• Hello, call the emergency vehicle since I think I just broke my lower leg succumbing to you.

• I should be in a period circle in light of the fact that going gaga for you again and again.

• Your excellence is sufficient to light up the night skies.

• I believe it’s an ideal opportunity to report you to the Environmental organization in light of the fact that your hotness is one reason for an Earth-wide temperature boost.

• My eyes appear to be substantial, not on the grounds that I’m lethargic. I can’t take them off you.

• I think you have to see a specialist. You have a delight everywhere all over!

• In the event that our adoration was a spaceship, I’d call it ‘You and I’, and we’ll fly over 1,000 universes of affection and satisfaction.

• My affections for you help me to remember an air terminal. Your essence makes my heart take off!

• I feel like water in the excellent slopes of your heart since I continue succumbing to you.

• For my entire life, I’ve been looking for the lost key — not the one to the money box of El-Dorado however to the entryway to your heart.

• I figure I should as of now call the police on you since it seems unlawful resembling that!

• Do you have a guide? Since whenever I investigate your eyes, I become lost!

• It generally feels like the evening time when I’m with you since I see stars glimmering inside those incredible eyes of yours.

• Brisk! Call the rescue vehicle! Somebody just tumbled from paradise!

• Do you have the number to then holy messengers? I need to advise them that one of theirs is lost down here on earth.

• On the off chance that our relationship is a misfortune wrongdoing show, I need to be the hoodlum who takes you and flees for good!

• It seems like Antarctica at whatever point I’m with you since I generally suffer from sudden anxiety.

  Funny Text Messages to Get Her Attention

• A morning kiss is not enough to say how I love you but a glance at your heart and listening to the beat of it clarify how much u mean to me. Have a wonderful day as you. Good morning.

• The sunrise in the morning, then shine in the afternoon and set in the evening, and same happens every day, my love for you will rise in the morning, shine in the afternoon and will set in the evening and that’s how it will be till infinity.

• The thought of you Is my shield in love battle. The love you give me Defines my personality I am, I lost when you’re away from me so completely whole For in your arms am always welcomed And in your heart am always cherished So happy and so proud to be the lucky one Never a day I feel empty because I’ve you by my side. I LOVE YOU U WITH ALL OF ME.

• You just harmed the thermometer for been so cracking hot!

• Hi, on the off chance that you see this, press 1 to recognize and squeeze two on the off chance that you are exhausted and need me to come and spare you from it.

• On the off chance that you are garbage, I couldn’t want anything more than to take you out each day and consider it my new position!

• I will call the police right now since you continue prowling in my psyche, and it’s making me insane.

• Hello Girl, you should be worn out in light of the fact that you continue running in my brain throughout the week!

• Is it true that you are searching for work? Since I need a driver to make me insane.

• Would I be able to get your heart until the end of time? I guarantee to give it back.

• Hello Dear, I just idea of the ideal wrongdoing. I win your love, and you take mine.

• I need to be an Engineer and you to be a Doctor so we can assemble a solid relationship together.

• Hello, angel. I need you to feel the surface of my heart. It’s made of brilliant sweetheart material.

• In the event that you turned out to be the mathematical shape, you’d be an intense triangle.

• OK kiss me in case I’m off-base? The world is square!

• In the event that I ended up accepting a penny for each and every second, you make me grin; I’d be the most extravagant man that has ever lived.

• Your magnificence is so befuddling I neglected to get my lines when coming.

• Hello Girl, my name is Handsome, and you should be lovely. Ideal to meet you.

• You make me daze from the splendour of your grin and hard of hearing from the sound of my pulse any time I see that grin.

• I didn’t understand that Angels could live on earth and have a group of people!

• Hello ma’am, would you say you are lost? Since paradise is up there, and you are down here.

• My PCP just educated me that I’m experiencing an ongoing disease called YOU.

• Hello Girl, I trust you realize CPR, and I’ll require it since you generally blow my mind.

• I don’t have the foggiest idea of how you do it. There can be no clarification. There is no hypothesis at all. It is, undoubtedly, a riddle. How would you generally look so damn great?

• Hello, do you end up having any medical aid box? I think I just harmed my knee succumbing to you.

• I have a splendid thought. For what reason don’t we name your heart, New York? So I can visit it on this occasion.

• If I somehow happened to have a penny for each and every lady I meet who is more exquisite as you, I’d be the most unfortunate man on earth.

What to text her to make her reply?

Make it short and sweet but never too short. Say something that interests her. Then leave it at that. ... .
Don't “act” busy. If she responds, don't ever say you've got to go, bye, or try to hook her like that; don't pretend anything, ever. ... .
Be patient. If she has mentioned she'll be away, she means it..

How do I make a girl go crazy over text?

10 Ways to Keep a Girl Interested over Text.
Give her a compliment..
Ask open-ended questions..
Follow up on something she told you about..
Tell her a cool story..
Ask her deep questions about herself..
Create an inside joke with her..
Start a fun debate..
Text pics of what you're up to..

How to catch her attention through text?

How to Get Her Interested With Texting.
Leave her with a smile. Don't text her about boring stuff. ... .
Keep it short. 2-3 sentences should be the longest message you send..
Communicate one idea. Just focus on one topic at a time..
Don't substitute texting for dates or phone calls..

What to text a girl to make her want to see you?

Short romantic text messages to make her love you.
I love you to the moon and back..
I think of you daily..
I think of you and you alone..
You are my dream girl and treasure..
My day is beautiful because of you..
The only thing I care for now is you..
I'm never lonely when you are around..