How do I make a CSV file printable?

So I have a program where I am able to successfully create a .csv file with my data.
I now have to somehow print that file.

I looked up a lot of resources about printing in WPF but they are all so complex and I can't make head and tails of what the barebones printing statements are.

Is there a way for me to just tell the application to take a specific filepath and then print the contents of the file as it would be if I manually went and opened the .csv file and hit print?


Alternatively, I have been told I could do this; take a screenshot of my screen (printscreen) and then tell the printer to print the image from clipboard. But this has to be all done when a button called 'Print' is pressed.


For my first query, what I'm doing now is opening the .csv file when I press the print button and then using excel's print function to get my printout and its working.

But I would like to have it work with what is seen directly in the application with the printscreen method.

  1. 1

    Open a new spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, or Google Sheets.

    • If you want to convert an existing spreadsheet to CSV format, skip to step #4.

  2. 2

    Type each of your headers, or field names into the cells located in row 1 at the top of the spreadsheet. For example, if entering data for items you’re selling, type “Item Name” into cell A1, “Item Price” into cell B1, “Item Description” into cell C1, and so on.[1]


  3. 3

    Enter your data into the spreadsheet under each column as needed. Using the example outlined in step #2, write the item name in cell A2, the item’s price in cell B2, and the item’s description in cell C2.

  4. 4

    Click on “File” and select “Save As” after you’ve entered all data into the spreadsheet. If using Google Sheets, this option will read as “File > Download as.”[2]

  5. 5

    Select “CSV” under the “Save as type” dropdown menu.

  6. 6

    Type a name for your CSV file, then select “Save. You have now created a CSV file, and commas will automatically be added to the file to separate each field.[3]

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  1. 1

    Launch Notepad and type your field names separated by commas onto the first line. For example, if entering data for items you’re selling, type the following onto the first line: “name,price,description.” There must be no spaces between items.

  2. 2

    Type your data onto the second line, using the same format as your field names on the first line. Using the example outlined in step #1, write the actual item name, followed by the item’s price and description. For example, if selling baseballs, write “baseball,5.99,sports.”

  3. 3

    Continue typing your data for each individual item onto each subsequent line. If leaving any fields empty, make sure you include the comma, or the remaining fields will be off by one.

  4. 4

    Click on “File” and select “Save.

  5. 5

    Type a name for your file and select “.csv” from the file extension dropdown menu.

  6. 6

    Click on “Save. You have now created a CSV file in Notepad.[4]

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  • Question

    How do I execute a CSV file?

    CSV files are not executables, so you can’t “run” it like an app. These files are usually read by programs that use it as data.

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Article SummaryX

To create a CSV file in Excel, start by opening a new spreadsheet. Then, type each of your headers in the columns in row 1 near the top of your sheet. Next, enter your data under each column, as needed. To save your finished spreadsheet, click “File” and “Save As." Then, select “CSV” under the “Save as type” drop-down menu near the bottom of the popup. Finally, name your file and select “Save” to save your spreadsheet. To learn how to create a CSV file using Notepad, keep scrolling!

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How do I Print an entire CSV file?

From the File menu, click Print. From the Print Options dialog box, in the Output Mode area, select the Export to filetype check box and select CSV from the list. Click Browse and specify a location and name for the file. Click Print.

Can I turn a CSV file into a PDF?

To convert your CSV file to a PDF using Notepad follow these steps: Open the file by pressing Ctrl+O or using File->Open. Click File->Print and choose novaPDF in the printers list. Click Print and OK in the Save PDF File As window and the CSV will be converted.

What is CSV in printing?

CSV: comma separated values that can be inserted into an individual's spreadsheet. EXE: a compressed file that enables a user the ability to download a large file in a short time, compatible with non-Microsoft products.

How do I create a CSV template?

To create a new Import Template, click the Add Import Template button on the Settings / Import Templates page. Enter a name for the template and then upload an example csv source file which the template will be based on. In the next two steps you specify template variables and create a statement template.

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