How to go to next line in Teams without sending

Everyone here at OnMSFT uses Microsoft Teams on a daily basis, but I am frequently aggravated when I accidentally hit ENTER to begin a new line instead of using the correct SHIFT + ENTER command in Microsoft Teams. I am trained by default to use ENTER to begin a new line as I use Microsoft Word often when preparing to publish articles.

How to go to next line in Teams without sending
Partial message example.

I could not find any information online for changing keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Teams for sending messages. But after some exploring within Microsoft Teams, I found a solution.

Use the Format Button

For this solution, you do not need to change any settings or remember any keystrokes. The standard inline reply box is great, but only if your message is no more than a few words. Instead of remembering to hit SHIFT + ENTER for a new line in Microsoft Team, look no further than the inline input field, and click the first message extension.

How to go to next line in Teams without sending

Once you click the first message extension, you have a much richer text editing experience by default, with plenty of room to type whatever you want for your message and use ENTER all you want to enter a new line.

How to go to next line in Teams without sending

In addition, this expanded text interface allows you to edit your message how you want; add bold lettering, add bullet points, underline sections, and more. If you want to discard your message, you can use the trash icon in the upper right to discard your message. When you are ready to send your message, all you need to do is go to the right of the message and hit the send button.

How do you send messages in Microsoft Teams? Let us know in the comments.

  • Trick #1 Use Shift+Enter to start a new line
  • Trick #2 Use formatting to spice up your messages
  • Trip #3 Try out chat in channels too
  • Tip #4 Find and search for your messages
  • Tip #5 Mute and hide your chats
  • And that's just the start!

Other than meetings, one of the core experiences of Microsoft Teams is chatting. You can chat with just one coworker, or you can chat with multiple people in one thread. There's plenty more that you can do with chats in Teams, however, and there are also some tips and tricks too. In this guide, we'll give you a look at our top five tips for chatting in Microsoft Teams.

Trick #1: Use Shift+Enter to start a new line

One of the most frustrating things about Microsoft Teams is that pressing Enter on your keyboard might often send out your message before you're ready. To avoid this, you can press Shift+Enter to insert a line break into your chat. Another tip is that you've previously opened up the formatting options, you can also just the Enter key to start a new line, and skip this trick altogether.

How to go to next line in Teams without sending

Trick #2: Use formatting to spice up your messages

Microsoft Teams is a bit like Microsoft Word, as messages and chats have lots of formatting options. You can try out this formatting by clicking the Format box under the message. You can bold, italics, underline and even change the color of your text. Font size can also be changed to emphasize text, and you can even insert blockquotes, lists, and permalinks. You can check out other options by clicking More Options ... to see more. These include putting in tables.

How to go to next line in Teams without sending

Trip #3: Try out chat in channels too

Private chats have their own experience which can be summoned by clicking the chat icon in the left hand-bar of Microsoft Teams, but did you know you can chat in channels too? When you visit a channel in Teams, there is a tab called Posts. This is the other core chatting experience in Teams, and, if you want, you can create separate channels for public-facing group chats.

Posts in a channel are public and are seen as a giant group chat. Anyone who has access to this channel can see the messages in posts. It is important to note, though, that messages put in posts in channels will stay forever, and can also be put in threads. It's also best to reply to messages in channels to keep a clean and concise experience known as threaded conversations.

How to go to next line in Teams without sending

Tip #4: Find and search for your messages

It's one thing to chat with your coworkers in Teams, but what if you want to find a specific message from a chat they sent to you? There are multiple ways you can do this. First, you can head to the command box at the top of the screen and enter in the word or message that you're looking for, and press Enter. You'll get a list of results that include that word.

You also can try the filter function to show certain types of messages. From your activity feed, you can select Filter to show only certain types of messages, like unread messages or, ones where you were @'ed, or gotten replies and likes.

Finally, you can use the saved messages feature to your advantage. Whenever you see a message you want to save, just click the bookmark icon to select Save Message. Once you do that you can see all your saved messages by clicking your profile icon and choosing Saved.  All your saved messages will then show up in the sidebar in Teams.

How to go to next line in Teams without sending

Tip #5: Mute and hide your chats

Sometimes, you might not want to delete a chat or conversation in Teams. In these cases, you can simply mute the chat from the chat list so you no longer get notifications. You can hide chat by clicking to open the chat list, selecting More options and then choosing Hide. The chat will then be hidden until someone posts a new message to it again. Similarly, you can also mute chats by clicking to open the chat, selecting More Options, and then choosing Mute. You'll see an icon to remind you that the chat has been muted.

How to go to next line in Teams without sending

And that's just the start!

These are just a few tips for chatting in Microsoft Teams. We've covered Teams extensively over the past few months. Some topics we've given a look at include how you can get the most out of your Meetings, how you can increase your productivity, and much more. Keep it tuned to OnMSFT for all your Teams news and information.