How to increase font size in combo box Excel

I need to change the font size in an Excel combo box because the default font size is way too small. Is there a way to do this?

How to increase font size in combo box Excel

This is the code I use for my macro:

Option Explicit

Sub DropDown4_Change()
    Dim comboValue As String
    Dim Key1ColumnIndex As Integer
    Dim Key2ColumnIndex As Integer
    Dim Index As Integer
    Dim comboName As String
    Dim comboName2 As String
    Dim comboID As Integer

    'You can get the name by doing something like this in the immediate window:  "? Sheet1.Shapes(1).OLEFormat.Object.Name"

     For Index = 1 To ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count
        comboName = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Index).OLEFormat.Object.Name
        If InStr(comboName, "Drop") > 0 Then
            'MsgBox InStr(comboName, "Drop")
            comboName2 = comboName
            comboID = Index
        End If

    comboValue = ActiveSheet.Shapes(comboID).ControlFormat.List(ActiveSheet.Shapes(comboID).ControlFormat.ListIndex)

    Select Case comboValue

        Case "By Keyphrase"
            Key1ColumnIndex = 18
            Key2ColumnIndex = 19
        Case "By Region"
            Key1ColumnIndex = 19
            Key2ColumnIndex = 18
        Case "Default"
            Key1ColumnIndex = 1
            Key2ColumnIndex = 1
    End Select

   Range("DataValues").sort Key1:=Range("DataValues").Cells(1, Key1ColumnIndex), _
                            Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _
                            Key2:=Range("DataValues").Cells(1, Key2ColumnIndex), order2:=xlAscending
End Sub

Thank you.


44k6 gold badges63 silver badges114 bronze badges

asked Oct 3, 2011 at 14:05

How to increase font size in combo box Excel

It can't be done

There's no formatting the font size of a forms dropdown - even programatically. If it's an absolute requirement, you'll have to switch this to an activeX control.

answered Oct 3, 2011 at 14:37


26.3k19 gold badges109 silver badges180 bronze badges

As said by @Alain you simply can't in a clean way, or you have to use an activeX control.

But here there's also a workaround. With programming, you can temporarily zoom the worksheet, to make the data validation font size appear larger.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) 
  If Target.Address  = "$A$2" Then 
    ActiveWindow.Zoom = 120 
    ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100 
  End If 
End Sub 

Credits and more details:

answered Mar 24, 2021 at 13:22


911 silver badge11 bronze badges

Created: Jun 17, 2020 07:44 PM  |  Last Modified: Jun 17, 2020 07:49 PM (1844 views)  |  Posted in reply to message from David_Burnham 06-17-2020

or ... 

replace the combo box with a text box.  Use the text box to show the name of the selected parameter (using a small font).  Next to it, have a "select" button.  Use the button script to launch a new window containing the combo box or list box with the parameter names.  Since it is a separate window with no other content you should be able to display the full length names without any problem); make this window modal and update the text box when the window is closed.

Here is some crude code to illustrate the idea:

names default to here(1);

			TextBox("Selected Parameter",<<setFontStyle("Bold")),
				here:tb = TextEditBox("parameter name 1",<<enable(0),<<setWidth(130)),
							cb = ComboBox({"parameter name 1","parameter name 2"})


How do I format text in a combobox in Excel?

Format an ActiveX combo box.
Click Developer > Design Mode..
Right-click the combo box and pick Properties, click Alphabetic, and change any property setting that you want. ... .
Close the Property box and click Designer Mode..
After you complete the formatting, you can right-click the column that has the list and pick Hide..

How do I change the font size in a drop

Unfortunately, the font size of a drop-down list can only be changed using VBA. However, you can make the font smaller around the drop-down box (or across the entire sheet), and then zoom in on the overall view. In this way, the font in the drop-down field is also displayed larger.

How do I increase font size in Formula Bar?

Go to Excel options > General tab > under when creating new workbooks change the font size to any you like to see in the formula bar suppose 22. Default size is 11. Click OK. Excel will ask to restart the program for changes to take effect.