How to leave a Facebook review on iPhone 2022

Before visiting a business, most Facebook users look them up on Facebook to check their reviews. Customer reviews across platforms such as Yelp and Google show what past customers say about a business, offering social proof that you provide a good product or service. This makes managing a positive online presence an essential aspect for running a small or local business in the modern age.

What are Facebook reviews vs. recommendations?

Facebook reviews and recommendations both allow users to leave reviews on business pages. For years, Facebook used a traditional review system using a five-star review scale and an optional space for a comment supporting the given star rating. In 2018, they updated the star rating system to “Recommendations,” which asks users if they recommend a business, yes or no.  

Facebook reviews

Facebook reviews used a five-star rating and the option to leave an accompanying comment. Anyone can like and comment on reviews. Existing star ratings and Facebook reviews are still available for social media users to see, and Facebook will continue to display them. 

Facebook recommendations

Facebook recommendations is an updated version of reviews. The current “Recommendations” section does not show five-star ratings. Instead, it tells social media users whether their social network recommends a business. 

When users click the “Reviews” tab, Facebook sends them to the “Recommendations” feature, which asks, “Do you recommend (Business name)?” Users respond yes or no, and can add tags, photos or a written review/recommendation of up to 25 characters. Facebook intends for recommendations to be more personal and allows users to see what friends in their network think of local businesses.

How do I leave a review on Facebook?

Leaving a review impacts a business’s online reputation. The more customers that leave reviews on your business page, the more social trust you build with new potential customers

If a Facebook user has a friend ask for recommendations, they can write a comment and tag your Facebook business page. Customers can also leave reviews directly on your page. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to leave a review on Facebook. 

  1. Log into Facebook
  2. Go to the page of the business you want to review
  3. Click the “Reviews” tab in the left-hand corner
  4. Click “Yes” or “No” when prompted at the bottom of the page under “Do you recommend (Business name)?” 
  5. Write a recommendation of up to 25 characters
  6. Add tags or photos
  7. Post the recommendation 

Where do I find Facebook reviews?

Facebook has made it easy to find reviews all in one place. Follow these straightforward steps to see what customers think of your local business

  1. Log into your business Facebook account
  2. Click “Reviews” to navigate to the recommendations and reviews 

Respond to all reviews to show customers you appreciate their feedback. When responding to positive reviews, you can simply like the review or write a quick reply personalizing it to their name and getting specific when thanking them for their feedback. 

It’s a good idea to respond to negative reviews to show customers you care about their experience. When responding to a negative review, customize your response to the reviewer. Acknowledge their feedback, give them your business phone number or email address and offer to work toward a solution outside of the reviews page. 

A customer might edit their initial negative review or leave a second review explaining how you handled the situation. Potential customers might see your effort, and a negative review could benefit your business. 

Are Facebook reviews public?

Yes, Facebook reviews are public on a business page’s “Reviews” tab for anyone to see. They cannot be made private. 

Can I delete or edit my Facebook reviews?

Only review authors can delete their reviews. Business owners cannot delete individual comments, but you can report recommendations that go against the Facebook Community Standards. Sometimes Facebook takes down posts before you report them, and others will stay up even after Facebook admins review them. Facebook will review all reports and remove recommendations they deem to violate their rules. 

You can choose to disable the reviews tab of your Facebook business page by navigating to the “Settings” tab, clicking “Templates and Tabs” and switching the “Reviews” section toggle from on to off. 

Taking down your reviews will also remove all positive reviews. If there are only a couple of negative or fake reviews, it might be better to get more reviews from customers. There are several simple ways to ask customers to leave reviews. 

  • Ask customers in person after they purchase something from your business
  • Send an email or text message with a direct link to your reviews page 
  • Place signs in your waiting room or lobby asking customers to leave a review and provide a QR code to your reviews page
  • Embed positive Facebook reviews on your website 
  • Offer an incentive to customers who check-in 

If you have enough positive reviews, the negative and fake ones will stand out as outliers. 

How do I rate a seller on Facebook?

Facebook goes beyond businesses and allows sellers to offer items on Facebook Marketplace where all Facebook users can see the post and interact with the seller. Buyers can only rate sellers after purchasing something or interacting with them. These are the steps to leaving a rating for a seller:

  1. Log in to your Facebook account
  2. Click the Marketplace tab
  3. Next to the search icon at the top of the screen, click the person icon
  4. Click “Buying” and find your chat with the seller
  5. Click “Rate seller”
  6. You can rate the seller by choosing either a happy face or a sad face
  7. If you would like, include the reason for your rating
  8. Click “Done” to publish your rating

Manage your online presence with Broadly

Schedule a demo to see how Broadly can help you keep track of reviews and other aspects of your online review management.

How do I leave a review on Facebook 2022 Mobile?

Here are the steps for how to leave a Facebook review:.
Click the Reviews/Recommendations tab..
Click 'Yes' to recommend the Page..
Write your recommendation and if you use mobile upload a photo along with the recommendation text..
You can also choose a tag such as great service, amazing staff or similar..
Click Post..

How do I enable Reviews on Facebook 2022?

To turn on Facebook reviews:.
Go to your brand page..
Click on the “Settings” button on the Manage Page section..
A new window should appear. Click on the “Templates and Tabs” section..
Toggle the “Reviews” option to ON..

How do I rate a seller on Facebook 2022?

After you (the seller) mark the item as sold and selects the buyer, the buyer will receive a notification to rate the seller. 2. The buyer can also rate a seller on Messenger. You'll only see the Rate seller option once you've bought something from them or had a conversation with them.

How do I post a review on my Facebook page app?

Tap in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name. Tap below your profile picture, then tap Review Posts and Tags. Tap Add to Profile on an individual post to approve it, or tap to ignore it.

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