Is it possible it was moved renamed or deleted artinya

Hey there @STEVEDEL248 - thanks for sharing what worked for you!

As you successfully pointed out, the issue you've been experiencing is probably due to a limitation of the applications that you're using to open the files in question. In short, there are files that your applications can't process correctly because they have file paths that are too long.  

In addition, this behavior is present if there are more than 255 characters in the entire file path. This means from the C:\ all the way to the extension of a file. Files will sync to and from those locations, however the applications used to open said files (e.g. Word, Notepad, Excel, etc.) might not support reading from these locations with long file paths and may show error messages when trying to open, save or edit these file (such as the one described in this thread). This is out of our control since the application developers would have to add support for long paths to resolve the issue.

You should be able to resolve the issues with your applications processing these files by simply renaming the file to a shorter name, renaming a folder to a shorter name, or reducing the number of sub-folders as you also outlined in your response. 

 I hope this information helps all of the affected users getting this error message.

Once again, thanks for using Dropbox and posting in our Forum. 


When opening Excel it looks for an add-in that I have removed from the file folder. It gives me the message that it can't find it, of course, as stated in the title. When I go into Options -> Add-ins -> Go -> Uncheck and click "OK" it is removed from the add-in list and it asks me if I want to delete it, since it cannot find the add-in in the file path. However, if I close Excel and open it I get the same error and the add-in will show up in the list, and the cycle continues. When I say "okay" to delete the add-in it is still asking the same question whenever I open Excel again.

How do I fix this?

asked Apr 26, 2019 at 7:55


3851 gold badge5 silver badges20 bronze badges


After you are sure that you delete the add-in from its' source, just disable all excel add-ins. Close Excel and open it back. You will not see the warning again.


28.8k21 gold badges79 silver badges129 bronze badges

answered Nov 28, 2020 at 19:18


It is not an error, windows can handle or search the files directory upto 260 characters long or more than that as Maybe in your case. Try it put it in some lower hierarchy, not very deep inside some folders, i.e like desktop or in Documents from there you can read and find your file.

answered Oct 10, 2019 at 19:01

MD RijwanMD Rijwan

4616 silver badges14 bronze badges


Make sure you have the developer tab on your ribbon. Once on the developer tab click "Excel Add-ins" next to the gear icon and click the add-in that is causing the error and it should prompt you to delete it.

answered Dec 2, 2020 at 4:20

After you start Excel go to File -> Options -> Add-Ins -> Manage: Excel Add-Ins "Go...". Now you click on the Add-Ins that's causing the error and when Excel asks you to remove the missing / not found Add-In you click on keep it! Thus it gets saved and you can close Excel.

Next time you open Excel there is no error because the Add-in is not active. Now you can do the same thing and go to the Excel Add-ins. When you now try to activate it, you can click on the message which says "remove Add-in" and the Add-in gone.

answered Nov 30, 2021 at 17:41


5,74913 gold badges53 silver badges76 bronze badges

Close Excel. Open the Registry Editor by typing regedit in the Windows search bar, and run as administrator. Next, go to Edit --> Find… and search the name of the missing add-in. Once it finds the registry files, delete anything that references it. Open Excel again, and it should be gone.

answered Apr 21 at 3:29

Had the same problem, here you can find the solution: //

First you will want to note the file path that Excel thinks the add-in should be located in and the name of the add-in file. Once you know where that folder is located and the name of the add-in, proceed to do the following:

  • Create a new Excel file
  • Save the file with the following conditions:
  • Use the Add-in name
  • Use the Excel file extension “.xlam” (if it is an older add-in it might need to be “.xla”)
  • Save to the same folder path
  • Once you have saved this new faux add-in file, close down Excel
  • Reopen Excel and hopefully you won’t receive the error message
  • Go into your Excel Add-ins dialog box and check the add-in and hit Ok
  • Go back into you Excel Add-ins dialog box and uncheck the add-in and hit OK
  • Close out of Excel

You should now be able to go and delete the faux Excel add-in file and not see the error message going forward. Yay!!

answered Jan 12, 2021 at 9:39

Apa penyebab file Excel tidak bisa dibuka?

Apakah Anda pernah mengalami file Excel tidak bisa dibuka? Biasanya hal tersebut disebabkan karena file corrupt atau rusak. Mungkin saja akibat virus, malware, kesalahan update, kerusakan pada sistem, atau lainnya.

Bagaimana jika file Excel corrupt?

Memperbaiki buku kerja yang rusak.
Klik File > Buka..
Klik lokasi dan folder yang berisi buku kerja yang rusak..
Dalam kotak dialog Buka, pilih buku kerja yang rusak tersebut..
Klik panah di samping tombol Buka, lalu klik Buka dan Perbaiki..
Untuk memulihkan sebanyak mungkin buku kerja, pilih Perbaiki..

Apa itu format file xlsx?

Data atau file dengan ekstensi .XLSX adalah sebuah file Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet yang dibuat memakai aplikasi Microsoft Excel. Namun, karena formatnya open XML, file ini bisa dibuka oleh sejumlah aplikasi, seperti Open Office, Google Docs, hingga Apple Numbers.

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