Kata sulit yang terdapat dalam syair tersebut adalah

a) Carilah makna kata sulit pada syair tersebut! b) Simpulkan nilai-nilai moral/nasihat yang terdapat pada syair di atas! Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7 Halaman 175 176 177 178 latihan bab 5 semester 2  

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Sumber: kemdikbud/Buku Bahasa indonesia kelas 7

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and i only have experience doing sales maybe we should go to business school to add to our skill set have you ever thought about being an entrepreneur yes but i don’t have the capital to start a business my father was an entrepreneur in the video game industry that is so interesting i’m thinking about quitting my job and becoming an entrepreneur in cosmetics i admi


a) Carilah makna kata sulit pada syair tersebut! b) Simpulkan nilai-nilai moral/nasihat yang terdapat pada syair di atas! Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7 Halaman 175 176 177 178 latihan bab 5 semester 2

entrepreneurs who break into new industries yeah me too do you have the money to do something li

ke th

a) Carilah makna kata sulit pada syair tersebut! b) Simpulkan nilai-nilai moral/nasihat yang terdapat pada syair di atas! Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7 Halaman 175 176 177 178 latihan bab 5 semester 2

at no but i have a meeting with potential investors next week do you have products to show them already yes i had some prototypes made that’s amazing good luck did you hear about the sales incen

tives this year no did they already announce them yes one is a trip to mexico wow are there other incentives yes the trip is for the first place sales person but there is a prize for second place too what is it a gift certificate for a meal at a fancy restaurant that’s not as good as a trip but i wouldn’t mind winning 

a) Carilah makna kata sulit pada syair tersebut! b) Simpulkan nilai-nilai moral/nasihat yang terdapat pada syair di atas! Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7 Halaman 175 176 177 178 latihan bab 5 semester 2

that there are incentives for other things as well like what being on time every day and not m

issing any days oh i’m late all the time that one’s not for me did you already send out the invoice for the latest work no which project are you talking about the corporate event that we produced on friday no i haven’t sent it out yet well we really need to go ahead and do that t

hese clients tak

a) Carilah makna kata sulit pada syair tersebut! b) Simpulkan nilai-nilai moral/nasihat yang terdapat pada syair di atas! Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7 Halaman 175 176 177 178 latihan bab 5 semester 2

e forever to pay all right what is the total amount i should put on the invoice we agreed on thirty thousand dollars but there are incurred costs what were they we needed to hire extra security because they increased the number of attendees at the last minute and what was the cost of that two thousand dollars okay i’ll send th

 invoice for thirty two thousand dollars do you know when our building lease runs out i’ll have to check but i’m pretty sure it runs out in july this year that’s soon have you thought about renewing it i’ve done some thinking about it i was thinking we should maybe move the store really why i know we do pre

tty good

a) Carilah makna kata sulit pada syair tersebut! b) Simpulkan nilai-nilai moral/nasihat yang terdapat pada syair di atas! Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7 Halaman 175 176 177 178 latihan bab 5 semester 2

 business here but i saw a shop up for lease in a very trendy part of town do you think we could afford it i do let’s go check it out sure when do you have time this afternoon great we’ll go this afternoon then do you think the new project will be a lucrative endeavor i really do i think the market is


a) Carilah makna kata sulit pada syair tersebut! b) Simpulkan nilai-nilai moral/nasihat yang terdapat pada syair di atas! Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7 Halaman 175 176 177 178 latihan bab 5 semester 2

 for a new sports drink have we decided on how many flavors we will be offering yes just three for the moment and which ones did you choose mango goji berry and green green yeah we haven’t decided what the flavor for the green drink will be but the color is green all right have you done any 

market testing yes everyone loves the goji berry and mango flavors maybe we should just stick to those two flavors then yeah that’s a good idea do you think our furniture selection is out of style yes i think the furniture we have for sale looks dated we should think about renewing all the merchandise in the stores yeah that’s a large investment though you’re right but we have to be competitive do you think 

we should hire new designers to get an edge in the market yes we should hire some young people who have a

a) Carilah makna kata sulit pada syair tersebut! b) Simpulkan nilai-nilai moral/nasihat yang terdapat pada syair di atas! Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7 Halaman 175 176 177 178 latihan bab 5 semester 2

 fresh outlook yeah we could do a recruitment drive at the local art school i think that’s a great idea we may have to let some people go that will be quite difficult but we need to modernize i’ll organize the recruitment drive this week can you plan a negotiation with our client sure what needs to

 be sorted out they are very close to hiring us to produce their entire fall line great so we need to negotiate pricing exactly i think 

a) Carilah makna kata sulit pada syair tersebut! b) Simpulkan nilai-nilai moral/nasihat yang terdapat pada syair di atas! Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7 Halaman 175 176 177 178 latihan bab 5 semester 2

Asked by wiki @ 20/08/2021 in B. Indonesia viewed by 31893 persons

Asked by wiki @ 26/08/2021 in B. Indonesia viewed by 21824 persons

Asked by wiki @ 09/08/2021 in B. Indonesia viewed by 11627 persons

Asked by wiki @ 03/08/2021 in B. Indonesia viewed by 8923 persons

Asked by wiki @ 31/08/2021 in B. Indonesia viewed by 5134 persons

Asked by wiki @ 09/08/2021 in B. Indonesia viewed by 4347 persons

Asked by wiki @ 29/07/2021 in B. Indonesia viewed by 4211 persons

Asked by wiki @ 03/08/2021 in B. Indonesia viewed by 3915 persons

Asked by wiki @ 26/08/2021 in B. Indonesia viewed by 3674 persons

Asked by wiki @ 20/08/2021 in B. Indonesia viewed by 3211 persons

Asked by wiki @ 14/08/2021 in B. Indonesia viewed by 2977 persons

Asked by wiki @ 03/08/2021 in B. Indonesia viewed by 2810 persons

Asked by wiki @ 12/08/2021 in B. Indonesia viewed by 2809 persons

Asked by wiki @ 31/07/2021 in B. Indonesia viewed by 2667 persons

Asked by wiki @ 30/07/2021 in B. Indonesia viewed by 2641 persons

Berikut kunci jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7 SMP/MTs halaman 177 tentang Carilah Makna Kata Sulit pada Syair Perahu. / /IRWANSYAH PUTRA/ANTARA FOTO/

MALANG TERKINI – Artikel ini akan menyajikan kunci jawaban Bahasa Indonesia kelas 7 SMP/MTs halaman 177-178, tentang mencari makna kata sulit dan menyimpulkan nilai-nilai moral pada Syair Perahu.

Setelah mempelajari mengenai pengertian, perbedaan, dan ciri-ciri dari syair, adik-adik diberikan tugas pada halaman 177.

Sebelum mengerjakan tugas, diharapkan adik-adik membaca dan memahami teks Syair perahu karya Hamzah Fansuri.

Baca Juga: Nilai Moral atau Nasihat yang Terdapat pada Syair Perahu, Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7 Halaman 178

Kemudian, adik-adik bisa mengerjakan tugas halaman 177 dengan mandiri. Setelah itu, orang tua akan mengoreksi tugas adik-adik dengan menggunakan artikel kunci jawaban berikut.

Namun, perlu diketahui bahwa artikel ini hanya sebagai alternatif jawaban saja. Berikut ini kunci jawaban Bahasa Indonesia kelas 7 halaman 177.


Kunci Jawaban halaman 177


a) Carilah makna kata sulit pada syair tersebut!Jawaban:Bait syair 1:- Gerangan: agaknya; kiranya; konon- Madah: kata-kata pujian; kata- Membetuli: membetulkan; mengatur supaya rapi dan sebagainya; sesuai; cocok

- Iktikat atau Iktikad: kepercayaan; keyakinan yang teguh; maksud (yang baik); kemauan

Bait syair 2:- Tamsil: persamaan dengan umpama (misal); ajaran yang terkandung dalam cerita; ibarat; lukisan (sesuatu sebagai contoh)

- Jua: hanya; saja; juga;

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