Wahana pasar malam dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Suatu hari Rina dan toni secara tidak sengaja bertemu di depan rumah rina sehingga terjadi percakapan bahasa inggris 2 orang . Dua remaja ini bertetangga baik dan kebetulan keduanya juga mengikuti kursus bahasa inggris. Percakapan bahasa inggris 2 orang ini membicarakan tentang hiburan pasar malam yang berada tidak jauh dari tempat tinggal mereka. Dari percakapan 2 orang dalam bahasa inggris ini ternyata diketahui masing-masing sudah 3 tahun lebih tidak pernah ke pasar malam. Padahal sebelumnya mereka suka menikmati berbagai wahana permainan dan hiburan di pasar malam. Di akhir percakapan bahasa inggris 2 orang remaja ini berencana untuk pergi ke pasar malam dengan mengajak teman-teman mereka.

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang : The Funfair

Toni : Hei Rina, do you ever go to a funfair before?
Rina : Yes, of course. I often go to a funfair since I was a little
Toni : Did you come to any funfair lately?
Rina : No, I have never gone to any funfair lately and even for the last three years.
Toni : So, your last funfair visit is three years ago?
Rina : Yup, it has been a while since my last visit to a funfair. So, what about you Toni? Do you often come to a funfair?
Toni : Hmmm actually, I don’t really often go to a funfair and just like you Rina, my last visit is about three years ago. It was when I was still a junior high school student
Rina : Heehee me too.
Toni : Who did you go to the funfair with, Rina? Did you go by yourself?
Rina : Of course not. There would be no fun if I go to a place such a funfair all alone. I usually go to a funfair with my friends
Toni : Haha you’re right. So, what kind of ride do you like to play at the funfair, Rina?
Rina : One of my favorite rides is the Ferris wheel. I really love when the wheel brought me so high up to the sky so I could see the crowd from above my seat and see everything from that height. When we reached up on the highest part, I and my girl friends sometimes shouted loudly. The height was terrifying but also exciting at the same time.
Toni : Hahaha you seemed to really enjoy the ride through your story
Rina : Of course, Toni. So, how about you? What is the ride you like the most?
Toni : Hmmm I think I like that Ferris wheel ride too, the game stands were also fun, but I think the best part of a funfair is the ghost house ride.
Rina : Ghost house ride? Oh no, I hate that ride. The ghosts scared me out of my wits
Toni : Hahahaha you are too exaggerating, Rina. Don’t say that you didn’t know that the ghosts were fake?
Rina : Hey, don’t tease me like that! Of course, I knew that those ghosts were fake and most of them were just people who imitated ghosts. But, although I knew it’s fake, I still couldn’t stand seeing their ghost make-ups and costumes. The last time I went to the ghost house ride with my friends, I ended up crying as we got out of the ride.
Toni: Hahaha you’re funny, Rina.
Rina: There is nothing funny about crying of getting scared, Toni.
Toni: Haha okay, okay. Hey, I heard that there was a merry funfair in town near our school. Let’s go there this Saturday with others!
Rina : Really? I think I’m free this Saturday, Okay I’m going
Toni : Great! Okay, I’ll tell others.

Glossaries (kosa kata) Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang : The Funfair

Funfair : Pasar malam
Since I was a little : Sejak aku masih kecil (anak-anak)
(has) been a while : Sudah cukup lama
Actually : Sebenarnya, sesungguhnya
Ferris wheel : Kincir ria
Ride : Wahana permainan
Terrifying : Mengerikan
Exciting : Menyenangkan
Seemed (seem) to : Kelihatannya
Game stands : Kios permainan
Scared (me) out of (my) wits : Sangat membuatku ketakutan
Couldn’t stand : Tidak tahan, tidak mampu
Exaggerating : Melebih-lebihkan
Fake : Palsu, bohong-bohongan

Jika Anda punya pengalaman yang berbeda tentang hiburan pasar malam dan pernah membicarakannya dengan teman Anda, akan lebih menarik jika Anda menuliskannya dalam bentuk percakapan bahasa inggris 2 orang.

Wahana pasar malam apa saja?

Pasar malam yang lengkap dengan arena bermain yang menyediakan bianglala, komidi putar, lompat trampolin, tong setan, kereta api mini, dan berbagai wahana permainan lainnya adalah sebuah kemewahan tersendiri bagi penikmat hiburan pasar malam. Tentunya bagi para anak-anak dan kaum muda.

Apa bahasa inggris Dufan?

Dufan is abbreviate of Dunia Fantasi, those name was chosen according the history of location knew as monkey habitat.

Apa bahasa inggris nya pasar tradisional?

"Dalam bahasa Inggris, pasar tradisional disebut dengan traditional market."

Apa saja yang ada di mall dalam bahasa Inggris?

Things in a mall are:.
Automatic hand dryer..
Glass door..

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