What happens when someone restricts you on Facebook?

How to tell if you’re restricted on Facebook? Find out in this article! Use our simple tricks to figure out if someone has you on restricted on Facebook.

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How to tell if you’re restricted on Facebook? Find out in this article! Use our simple tricks to figure out if someone has you on restricted on Facebook.

When Facebook introduced its restricted list, it gave people a great opportunity to choose which users can see their posts without needing to unfriend or block someone if you don’t want them to see your posts.

At the same time, we’re left to wonder if one of our friends, coworkers or even family members has restricted us on the platform. Luckily, we’ve come up with a few tricks you can use to figure out if somebody has you on their restricted list.

What is the restricted list on Facebook?

Before we get to the rest of this article, you first need to understand what it means to be restricted on Facebook exactly. When someone who’s your Facebook friend puts you on the restricted list, you lose the ability to see their friends-only posts. You can only see their public posts and posts that you’re tagged in.

How to find out if I’ve been restricted on Facebook?

You don’t get a notification when you’re restricted, so there’s no way to find out directly but you can still use a few tricks to figure out if you’ve been restricted. First, try visiting the profile of the person you’re suspecting of restricting you. If there’s an empty gap at the top of this person’s timeline, you may have been restricted, as this space typically indicates a gap between private and public posts.

Another method is to examine the person’s timeline and see if there’re any posts that you know were there before but are now missing. The user could have simply deleted the posts but there’s also a chance that they’ve restricted you and these private posts have been hidden from your timeline.

Finally, the last trick is to ask one of your mutual friends to visit the person’s profile and compare what posts the two of you can see on their timeline. If you can’t see some of the posts that are visible to your friend, you’ve been added to the restricted list.

What to do if you’ve been restricted on Facebook?

If your suspicions have been confirmed and you find out that you’re on someone’s restricted list, there’s not much you can do. There is usually a reason why a user decides to restrict somebody and it’s always better to respect the person’s right to privacy and accept their decision.

Last Updated on August 26, 2021

Understanding Facebook Restricted list is a complex privacy option for users that want to manage how their posts are shown and to whose News Feed.

We have earlier published articles on restricted list which include the steps to restrict someone from seeing one’s posts, the difference between blocking someone and adding someone to a restricted list.

In this guide, we will expand our earlier posts into more frequently asked questions on understanding Facebook Restricted list..

They include;

  1. How to restrict Facebook friend from seeing my posts,
  2. Is restricted list same as blocking someone?
  3. Can restricted friends see my likes?
  4. Can restricted friends see past posts?
  5. How do i know if i’m restricted on Facebook?
  6. Can restricted friends comment on my posts?
  7. Can restricted friends see what others post on my wall?
  8. If i restrict someone on facebook can i still see their posts?
  9. Can someone on my restricted list tag me?

How to restrict Facebook friend from seeing my posts

We have written a very long guide on how to add friends to restricted list or individually restrict someone from seeing your posts.

Click here to read in details. or continue the excerpt below on how to restrict  friends from seeing your posts.

  1. Open Facebook either using a Facebook App or through web browser
  2. Try to make a post
  3. Under the privacy option (which is usually Friends or Public), click on it to open more options.
  4. From the privacy options, select Friends except…
  5. Select friends that you would like to restrict from seeing your posts in the future.
  6. If you are using Facebook App, click on the back icon to go back. If you are using a web browser, click on Save Changes.
  7. If you discard the post while using Facebook App, your new privacy settings will be dismissed. It is better to publish the post so that your settings will be adopted.

If you want to add more than one person to Restricted list, then follow this link.

Is restricted list same as blocking someone?

Restricted list and Blocking play two different privacy roles. They are not the same thing but they offer privacy control on who sees your posts.


Blocking a friend simply means that you no longer want his/her friendship on Facebook. When you click Block, they will be deleted from your friend list and blacklisted never to see your profile again.

When you block a friend, he will know and can never communicate with you till he/she gets a new Facebook account. They will know that they have been blocked.

Restricted List

What happens when someone restricts you on Facebook?

Friends on restricted list cannot see posts, photos, videos you share to friends only. Before you make a post, you should probably choose audience to “Friends”. If it is chosen to public, everybody sees your posts.

But when you add a friend to a restricted list, he won’t be notified, he may not know, he won’t see your posts, pictures.

Remember that you’re still friends but your posts are only shared with them when you choose Public as the audience, or when you tag them in the post.

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Can restricted friends see my likes?

If you make a post that is set to Friends, they won’t be able to see the post talk more of seeing the likes and comments.

But If your post’s privacy setting is made Public, Yes they will see the posts and the likes.

Can restricted friends see past posts?

A restricted friend will see your past posts if their audience was set to Public but if they were set to Friends, they won’t be able to see them again.

Even when they have liked, commented on the post, it will become hidden from them.

In order to hide your past posts from restricted friends, you need to limit past posts to Friends audience group. Follow the steps below.

How to limit past posts from Restricted friends

What happens when someone restricts you on Facebook?

  1. Login to facebook.com
  2. At the right side, click on the dark dropdown caret
  3. Then click Settings
  4. At the left side of Settings’ page, click Privacy
  5. Under Privacy Settings and Tools, you should see Your activity
  6. Under Your activity, click on Limit Past Posts
  7. Accept the option to limit your posts to Friends.

Your friends on except, restricted list won’t be able to view your posts again.

How do i know if i’m restricted on Facebook?

Sadly, there is no option on Facebook to know when someone has been added to restricted list.

The only option is to manually use friends of friend account to see their timeline.

Can restricted friends comment on my posts?

If you make a post that is set to Friends, they won’t be able to see the post talk more of commenting on them.

But If your post is made to Public, Yes they will see the posts and comment on them.

Can restricted friends see what others post on my wall?

There are two situations in who sees what posts are shared on someone’s timeline. You have access to who sees what posts people share on your wall.

If you had set your audience privacy to Public, that means that everyone including restricted friends will see your posts.

But if you had set your audience privacy to Friends, that means that restricted friends will not see posts from your friends on your wall.

If I restrict someone on Facebook can i still see their posts?

Yes, you can still see their posts. You may not be able to their posts if they had already restricted you.

Can someone on my restricted list tag me to their post?

Yes! They can tag you. Since you’re still friends on Facebook, they can tag you on their posts.

Remember, if your past post was tagged to your restricted friend, they can still see the post even when you limit past posts.

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We hope you found this post useful. Share to your friends.

How do you know if someone has restricted you on Facebook?

Look for empty space at the top of their profile. This is usually indicative of a gap between private posts and public posts. If you've been restricted, you won't be able to see the private posts, hence the space here.

How can you tell if someone has restricted you?

The best way to find out if you're restricted is to comment on one of their posts and ask a mutual friend if they can see your comment. If your comment isn't visible to your friend but you're able to see it just fine, the post's creator likely restricted your account.

When you restrict someone on Facebook can they message you?

If you restrict someone: You won't get notifications when they message you, and your phone won't ring when they call you. You won't be able to call or message them. You won't see your conversation with them in your Chats list.

When you restrict someone on Facebook can you still see their posts?

And this remains true for both sides. That is neither you nor the blocked person will be able to see the new and the old posts from each other. Also, it doesn't matter whether the post is Public or set to Friends only — you cannot view it. Restrict is a one-way street.