What is data wrangling with Tidyverse?

Data scientists, according to interviews and expert estimates, spend from 50 percent to 80 percent of their time mired in the mundane labor of collecting and preparing data, before it can be explored for useful information. - NYTimes (2014)

What are some common things you like to do with your data? Maybe remove rows or columns, do calculations and maybe add new columns? This is called data wrangling. It’s not data management or data manipulation: you keep the raw data raw and do these things programatically in R with the tidyverse.

We are going to introduce you to data wrangling in R first with the tidyverse. The tidyverse is a suite of packages that match a philosophy of data science developed by Hadley Wickham and the RStudio team. I find it to be a more straight-forward way to learn R. We will also show you by comparison what code will look like in “Base R”, which means, in R without any additional packages (like the “tidyverse” package) installed. I like David Robinson’s blog post on the topic of teaching the tidyverse first.

For some things, base-R is more straight forward, and we’ll show you that too. Whenever we use a function that is from the tidyverse, we will prefix it so you’ll know for sure.

  • discuss tidy data
  • read data from online into R
  • explore gapminder data with base-R functions
  • wrangle gapminder data with dplyr tidyverse functions
  • practice RStudio-GitHub workflow

Today’s materials are again borrowing from some excellent sources, including:

Let’s start off discussing Tidy Data.

Hadley Wickham, RStudio’s Chief Scientist, and his team have been building R packages for data wrangling and visualization based on the idea of tidy data.

Tidy data has a simple convention: put variables in the columns and observations in the rows.

The Ocean Health Index dataset we were working with this morning was an example of tidy data. When data are tidy, you are set up to work with it for your analyses, plots, etc.

Right now we are going to use dplyr to wrangle this tidy-ish data set (the transform part of the cycle), and then come back to tidying messy data using tidyr once we’ve had some fun wrangling. These are both part of the tidyverse package that we’ve already installed:

Conceptually, making data tidy first is really critical. Instead of building your analyses around whatever (likely weird) format your data are in, take deliberate steps to make your data tidy. When your data are tidy, you can use a growing assortment of powerful analytical and visualization tools instead of inventing home-grown ways to accommodate your data. This will save you time since you aren’t reinventing the wheel, and will make your work more clear and understandable to your collaborators (most importantly, Future You).

And actually, Hadley Wickham and RStudio have created a ton of packages that help you at every step of the way here. This is from one of Hadley’s recent presentations:

We’ll do this in a new RMarkdown file.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Clear your workspace (Session > Restart R)
  2. New File > R Markdown…
  3. Save as gapminder-wrangle.Rmd
  4. Delete the irrelevant text and write a little note to yourself about how we’ll be wrangling gapminder data using dplyr. You can edit the title too if you need to.

In your R Markdown file, let’s make sure we’ve got our libraries loaded. Write the following:

This is becoming standard practice for how to load a library in a file, and if you get an error that the library doesn’t exist, you can install the package easily by running the code within the comment (highlight install.packages("tidyverse") and run it).

In the ggplot2 chapter, we explored the Ocean Health Index data visually. Today, we’ll explore a different dataset by the numbers.

We will work with some of the data from the Gapminder project.

The data are on GitHub. Navigate there by going to:

github.com > ohi-science > data-science-training > data > gapminder.csv

or by copy-pasting url for data-view: //github.com/OHI-Science/data-science-training/blob/master/data/gapminder.csv

This is data-view mode: so we can have a quick look at the data. It’s a .csv file, which you’ve probably encountered before, but GitHub has formatted it nicely so it’s easy to look at. You can see that for every country and year, there are several columns with data in them.

We can read this data into R directly from GitHub, without downloading it. But we can’t read this data in view-mode. We have to click on the Raw button on the top-right of the data. This displays it as the raw csv file, without formatting.

Copy the url for raw data:


Now, let’s go back to RStudio. In our R Markdown, let’s read this csv file and name the variable “gapminder”. We will use the gapminder0 function from the gapminder1 package (part of the tidyverse, so it’s already installed!).

Note: gapminder2 works with local filepaths as well, you could use one from your computer.

Let’s inspect:

Let’s use gapminder3 and gapminder4:

gapminder5 will provide a sensible description of almost anything: when in doubt, inspect using gapminder5 on some of the recently created objects to get some ideas about what to do next.

gapminder is a gapminder8. We aren’t going to get into the other types of data receptacles today (‘arrays’, ‘matrices’), because working with data.frames is what you should primarily use. Why?

  • data.frames package related variables neatly together, great for analysis
  • most functions, including the latest and greatest packages actually require that your data be in a data.frame
  • data.frames can hold variables of different flavors such as
    • character data (country or continent names; “Characters (chr)”)
    • quantitative data (years, population; “Integers (int)” or “Numeric (num)”)
    • categorical information (male vs. female)

We can also see the gapminder variable in RStudio’s Environment pane (top right)

More ways to learn basic info on a data.frame.

A statistical overview can be obtained with gapminder0, or with gapminder1

To specify a single variable from a data.frame, use the dollar sign gapminder2. The gapminder2 operator is a way to extract of replace parts of an object — check out the help menu for gapminder2. It’s a common operator you’ll see in R.

OK, so let’s start wrangling with dplyr.

There are five dplyr functions that you will use to do the vast majority of data manipulations:

  • gapminder6: pick observations by their values

  • gapminder7: pick variables by their names

  • gapminder8: create new variables with functions of existing variables

  • gapminder9: collapse many values down to a single summary

  • dplyr0: reorder the rows

These can all be used in conjunction with dplyr1 which changes the scope of each function from operating on the entire dataset to operating on it group-by-group. These six functions provide the verbs for a language of data manipulation.

All verbs work similarly:

  1. The first argument is a data frame.
  2. The subsequent arguments describe what to do with the data frame. You can refer to columns in the data frame directly without using gapminder2.
  3. The result is a new data frame.

Together these properties make it easy to chain together multiple simple steps to achieve a complex result.

You will want to isolate bits of your data; maybe you want to only look at a single country or a few years. R calls this subsetting.

gapminder6 is a function in dplyr that takes logical expressions and returns the rows for which all are dplyr5.

Visually, we are doing this (thanks RStudio for your cheatsheet):

Remember your logical expressions? We’ll use dplyr6 and dplyr7 here.

You can say this out loud: “Filter the gapminder data for life expectancy less than 29”. Notice that when we do this, all the columns are returned, but only the rows that have the life expectancy less than 29. We’ve subsetted by row.

Let’s try another: “Filter the gapminder data for the country Mexico”.

How about if we want two country names? We can’t use the dplyr7 operator here, because it can only operate on one thing at a time. We will use the dplyr9 operator:

How about if we want Mexico in 2002? You can pass filter different criteria:

What was the average life expectency in Brazil between 1987 and 2007?
Hint: do this in 2 steps by assigning a variable and then using the dplyr0 function.

Then, sync to Github.com (pull, stage, commit, push).

This is one way to do it based on what we have learned so far:

We use gapminder7 to subset the data on variables or columns.

Visually, we are doing this (thanks RStudio for your cheatsheet):

We can select multiple columns with a comma, after we specify the data frame (gapminder).

We can also use - to deselect columns

Let’s filter for Cambodia and remove the continent and lifeExp columns. We’ll save this as a variable. Actually, as two temporary variables, which means that for the second one we need to operate on dplyr2, not gapminder.

We also could have called them both dplyr2 and overwritten the first assignment. Either way, naming them and keeping track of them gets super cumbersome, which means more time to understand what’s going on and opportunities for confusion or error.

Good thing there is an awesome alternative.

Before we go any further, we should explore the new pipe operator that dplyr imports from the dplyr6 package by Stefan Bache. This is going to change your life. You no longer need to enact multi-operation commands by nesting them inside each other. And we won’t need to make temporary variables like we did in the Cambodia example above. This new syntax leads to code that is much easier to write and to read: it actually tells the story of your analysis.

Here’s what it looks like: dplyr7. The RStudio keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + M (Windows), Cmd + Shift + M (Mac).

Let’s demo then I’ll explain:

This is equivalent to dplyr8. This pipe operator takes the thing on the left-hand-side and pipes it into the function call on the right-hand-side. It literally drops it in as the first argument.

Never fear, you can still specify other arguments to this function! To see the first 3 rows of Gapminder, we could say dplyr9 or this:

I’ve advised you to think “gets” whenever you see the assignment operator, tidyr0. Similarly, you should think “and then” whenever you see the pipe operator, dplyr7.

One of the most awesome things about this is that you START with the data before you say what you’re doing to DO to it. So above: “take the gapminder data, and then give me the first three entries”.

This means that instead of this:

So you can see that we’ll start with gapminder in the first example line, and then gap_cambodia in the second. This makes it a bit easier to see what data we are starting with and what we are doing to it.

…But, we still have those temporary variables so we’re not truly that better off. But get ready to be majorly impressed:

We can use the pipe to chain those two operations together:

What’s happening here? In the second line, we were able to delete tidyr2, and put the pipe operator above. This is possible since we wanted to operate on the dplyr2 data anyways. And we weren’t truly excited about having a second variable named tidyr4 anyways, so we can get rid of it. This is huge, because most of your data wrangling will have many more than 2 steps, and we don’t want a tidyr5!

By using multiple lines I can actually read this like a story and there aren’t temporary variables that get super confusing. In my head:

“start with the gapminder data, and then
filter for Cambodia, and then
drop the variables continent and lifeExp.”

Being able to read a story out of code like this is really game-changing. We’ll continue using this syntax as we learn the other dplyr verbs.

Alright, let’s keep going.

Let’s say we needed to add an index column so we know which order these data came in. Let’s not make a new variable, let’s add a column to our gapminder data frame. How do we do that? With the gapminder8 function.

Visually, we are doing this (thanks RStudio for your cheatsheet):

Imagine we want to know each country’s annual GDP. We can multiply tidyr8 by tidyr9 to create a new column named tidyverse0.

Calculate the population in thousands for all Asian countries in the year 2007 and add it as a new column.

Then, sync to Github.com (pull, stage, commit, push).

What if we wanted to know the total population on each continent in 2002? Answering this question requires a grouping variable.

Visually, we are doing this (thanks RStudio for your cheatsheet):

By using dplyr1 we can set our grouping variable to tidyverse2 and create a new column called tidyverse3 that will add up all country populations by their associated continents.

OK, this is great. But what if we don’t care about the other columns and we only want each continent and their population in 2002? Here’s the next function:

We want to operate on a group, but actually collapse or distill the output from that group. The tidyverse4 function will do that for us.

Visually, we are doing this (thanks RStudio for your cheatsheet):

Here we go:

How cool is that! tidyverse4 will actually only keep the columns that are grouped_by or summarized. So if we wanted to keep other columns, we’d have to do have a few more steps (we’ll get into it tomorrow). tidyverse6 removes the grouping and it’s good to get in the habit of using it after a dplyr1.

We can use more than one grouping variable. Let’s get total populations by continent and year.

This is ordered alphabetically, which is cool. But let’s say we wanted to order it in ascending order for tidyverse8. The dplyr function is dplyr0.

What is the maximum GDP per continent across all years?

## Error in eval(lhs, parent, parent): object 'gapminder' not found

  1. arrange your data frame in descending order (opposite of what we’ve done). Expect that this is possible: gapminder-wrangle.Rmd0
  2. save your data frame as a variable
  3. find the maximum life expectancy for countries in Asia. What is the earliest year you encounter? The latest? Hint: you can use or gapminder-wrangle.Rmd1 and gapminder-wrangle.Rmd2…

  4. Knit your RMarkdown file, and sync it to GitHub (pull, stage, commit, push)

We have done a pretty incredible amount of work in a few lines. Our whole analysis is this. Imagine the possibilities from here. It’s very readable: you see the data as the first thing, it’s not nested. Then, you can read the verbs. This is the whole thing, with explicit package calls from gapminder-wrangle.Rmd3 and gapminder-wrangle.Rmd4:

I actually am borrowing this “All together now” from Tony Fischetti’s blog post How dplyr replaced my most common R idioms). With that as inspiration, this is how what we have done would look like in Base R.

Let’s compare with some base R code to accomplish the same things. Base R requires subsetting with the gapminder-wrangle.Rmd5 notation. This notation is something you’ll see a lot in base R. the brackets gapminder-wrangle.Rmd6 allow you to extract parts of an object. Within the brackets, the comma separates rows from columns.

If we don’t write anything after the comma, that means “all columns”. And if we don’t write anything before the comma, that means “all rows”.

Also, the gapminder2 operator is how you access specific columns of your dataframe. You can also add new columns like we will do with gapminder-wrangle.Rmd8 below.

Instead of calculating the max for each country like we did with dplyr above, here we will calculate the max for one country, Mexico. Tomorrow we will learn how to do it for all the countries, like we did with install.packages("tidyverse")0.

Note too that the chain operator dplyr7 that we used with the tidyverse lets us get away from the temporary variable x1.

Get your RMarkdown file cleaned up and sync it for the last time today!

We’ve learned a ton in this session and we may not get to this right now. If we don’t have time, we’ll start here before getting into the next chapter: tidyr.

Most of the time you will have data coming from different places or in different files, and you want to put them together so you can analyze them. Datasets you’ll be joining can be called relational data, because it has some kind of relationship between them that you’ll be acting upon. In the tidyverse, combining data that has a relationship is called “joining”.

From the RStudio cheatsheet (note: this is an earlier version of the cheatsheet but I like the graphics):

Let’s have a look at this and pretend that the x1 column is a study site and x2 is the variables we’ve recorded (like species count) and x3 is data from an instrument (like temperature data). Notice how you may not have exactly the same observations in the two datasets: in the x1 column, observations A and B appear in both datasets, but notice how the table on the left has observation C, and the table on the right has observation D.

If you wanted to combine these two tables, how would you do it? There are some decisions you’d have to make about what was important to you. The cheatsheet visualizes it for us:

We will only talk about this briefly here, but you can refer to this more as you have your own datasets that you want to join. This describes the figure above::

  • install.packages("tidyverse")4 keeps everything from the left table and matches as much as it can from the right table. In R, the first thing that you type will be the left table (because it’s on the left)
  • install.packages("tidyverse")5 keeps everything from the right table and matches as much as it can from the left table
  • install.packages("tidyverse")6 only keeps the observations that are similar between the two tables
  • install.packages("tidyverse")7 keeps all observations from both tables.

Let’s play with these CO2 emissions data to illustrate:

That’s all we’re going to talk about today with joining, but there are more ways to think about and join your data. Check out the Relational Data Chapter in R for Data Science.

  • Data manipulation functions in dplyr allow you to gapminder6 by rows and gapminder7 by columns, create new columns with gapminder8, and dplyr1 unique column values to apply tidyverse4 for new columns that define aggregate values across groupings.
  • The “then” operator dplyr7 allows you to chain successive operations without needing to define intermediary variables for creating the most parsimonious, easily read analysis.

If you get this error, it is probably because you have a line that starts with a pipe. The pipe should be at the end of the previous line, not the start of the current line.

What does data wrangling mean in R?

Data Wrangling is a process reimaging the raw data to a more structured format, which will help to get better insights and make better decisions from the data.

What is the purpose of Tidyverse?

Tidyverse is an R programming package that helps to transform and better present data. It assists with data import, tidying, manipulation, and data visualization. The tidyverse package is open source, meaning that it is freely available to use and is constantly being modified and improved.

What is meant by data wrangling?

Data wrangling is the process of removing errors and combining complex data sets to make them more accessible and easier to analyze. Due to the rapid expansion of the amount of data and data sources available today, storing and organizing large quantities of data for analysis is becoming increasingly necessary.

Why is Tidyverse so popular?

Why is Tidyverse so popular? Developed by RStudio's chief scientist Hadley Wickham, the Tidyverse provides an efficient, fast, and well-documented workflow for general data modeling, wrangling, and visualization tasks. The Tidyverse uses a consistent approach to build an ecosystem of applications.

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