What is the Secret Key for Facebook

In this article, we will learn how to get Facebook App ID and Secret key For Your WordPress website, mobile app, games, etc. You need a Facebook app id and app secret key for connecting your website or mobile with Facebook. For generating these keys you need one Facebook developer account.

What is the Secret Key for Facebook

What is the Secret Key for Facebook

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Steps required to get Facebook app id and secret key

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First login on developer.facebook.com with your Facebook account.

What is the Secret Key for Facebook

Once you are logged in you need to open this link https://developers.facebook.com/apps. Then you will find add a new app click on that.

What is the Secret Key for Facebook

And Now here you need to add your email id and display name. you can take any name your want. Then click on create app.

What is the Secret Key for Facebook

Now you will be redirected to add products menu. Now your work is to publish the app id for that you need to click on setting

What is the Secret Key for Facebook

Once you are inside the setting you will find the app id and app secret. But you need to fill in important details like app domains, privacy policy URL, terms of service URL. Then select the category and click on the save button.

What is the Secret Key for Facebook

Now you can publish your app. To do so you need to turn on IN Development mode. Then click on save the change and your app will be ready.

What is the Secret Key for Facebook

Now you can make a copy of App ID and App Secret and paste it where ever you want.

What is the Secret Key for Facebook

Author: Rahul Sahu

Hii all! I am Rahul. I love to design optimized and secure website. I am also a full-time Youtuber and blogger whereby I create content to help the non-technical audience.

How do I find my Facebook secret key?

On the left hand menu, you need to click "more", then you'll see "Developer", click on it. Afterwards you'll be presented with a page where your apps are listed under "My Applications" click on "See my applications". You can find all your API Key, secrets, and IDs there. Save this answer.

How do I log into Facebook without a security key?

You'll have to enter an email address and upload a copy of your ID, which can be a passport, driver's license, national ID card, or other official documents. Once you have provided the requested information, Facebook will email you with further steps for account recovery.

What is the app secret for Facebook?

When you make a Facebook App, that app will have an App ID and an App Secret. With the App ID, you can send several requests to Facebook for data. The Facebook App Secret will be used to decode the encrypted messages from Facebook, so that sensitive information remains protected.

What is app secret key?

The app key and app secret are created when a Fabric app is published to a runtime environment. They can be viewed by clicking the key icon from the publish page on the runtime on which app was published. You can configure specific values or let the system auto-generate those.