Which of the following statements is true about a poisson probability distribution

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Stephanie E.

Intro Stats / AP Statistics

10 months, 1 week ago

We don’t have your requested question, but here is a suggested video that might help.

Which of the following statements concerning the binomial distribution are true? a The binomial distribution is symmetrical in shape when p=0.5 b For a given sample size, the variance of the binomial distribution is smallest when the probability of success is exactly 1/2. c For a fixed probability of success, the binomial distribution becomes less symmetric on increasing the sample size. d The probability of success is determined by the probability of failure and vice versa. e The binomial distribution is completely specified by its parameters, n and p. f The range of values that can be taken on by a binomial random variable is any integer value between 0 and n inclusive. g The binomial distribution provides a listing of all possible collectively exhaustive, though not necessarily mutually exclusive, outcomes for the random variable it is modelling, such that a certain probability of occurrence is associated with each outcome.


In a Poisson distribution, mean and variance are equal. State whether the following statements is true or false. Give reasons for your answer.



In a Poisson distribution, mean and variance are equal - this statement is true. Reason: the property of the distribution.

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