How do I fix specified network name is no longer available?

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Windows users at times may face an unexpected error while trying to access shared resources. When trying to access a shared folder, they get the following error: The specified network name is no longer available.

Imagine a hypothetical case where a network of computers in an office are connected under the same local Windows domain. One of the systems which connected to the printer is used to print documents and was working fine, till one day users start reporting that they are unable to access the shared folder used to send the documents for printing. While the shared folder is visible to the PC connected to the printer, it gives the mentioned error to users using the connected systems.

Try the following solutions one by one and check if they help resolve your issue:

  1. Disable Symantec Endpoint Protection
  2. Turn OFF User Account Control temporarily
  3. Disable your antivirus software
  4. Grant permissions to the shared folder
  5. Enable SMBv1, SMBv2, & SMBv3 on the problematic system

Let’s delve into these steps in deatil.

1] Disable Symantec Endpoint Protection

One known case of this issue is interference with Symantec Endpoint Protection. So if you have it installed on your system, disable it and see.

  1. Right-click on the Start button and select Command Prompt (Administrator) and type the command: smc -stop.
  2. Press Enter and it might partially stop Symantec Endpoint Protection. Check if it solves the issue.
  3. If not, try the commands: smc -disable –ntp and then smc -disable -ntp -p <password>. The second command disables the firewall.
  4. Later, to enable the Symantec Endpoint Protection type smc -start and to enable the firewall, type smc -disable –ntp.

2] Turn OFF User Account Control temporarily

To isolate the issue, turn OFF the User Account Control. This is not recommended by Microsoft so we would have to turn to back once we identify the problem.

3] Disable your antivirus software

Temporarily disable your antivirus software and check if the users can access the shared folders after that. Enable the software once this case is isolated. At times, your security software might cause this issue. That is why it is recommended to disable it temporarily and check if the problem gets resolved or not.

4] Grant permissions to the shared folder

  1. Right-click on the folder and select Properties among the options.
  2. In the Security tab, select Advanced and in the Advanced menu, go to the list of owners.
  3. Verify and modify the permissions as desired.

Ideally, this should have been the first step for folder access issues, however, owing to the error message, it is probably more of an issue with the firewall or end-point protection.

5] Enable SMBv1, SMBv2, & SMBv3 on the problematic system

If the issue is specific to one or a few systems, we might consider enabling SMBv1, SMBv2, and SMBv3 on the problematic systems. For your information, you can do that using the Windows Features panel, and you do not have to download third-party software.

How do I fix the specified network name is no longer available?

To fix The specified network name is no longer available error on Windows 11/10, you need to do a few things. For example, you can disable the Symantec Endpoint Protection, disable UAC temporarily, turn off your antivirus or any other security software, grant permission to the shared folder, etc. All these things could help you get rid of the problem you are getting on your computer.

How do I share my network name?

It is possible to share a file or folder in your network by using your network name. Whether you use Windows 11 or 10, you can use the same method to get it done. Follow this detailed guide if you want to share files and folders over a shared network in Windows 11/10.

Hope something here helps you.

Related: System error 67 has occurred, The network name cannot be found.

Karan Khanna is a passionate Windows user who loves troubleshooting Windows 11/10 problems in specific and writing about Microsoft technologies in general.

Why is my network name not available?

This error usually occurs when the client attempting to access the network share or device doesn't support SMB protocol. It can also happen when accessing the network share is blocked or interrupted by antivirus software or a firewall.

How do I fix the specified network name is no longer available Windows 11?

Fixed: The Specified Network Name Is No Longer Available Error [MiniTool Tips].
Method 1: Disable Antivirus Software Temporarily..
Method 2: Enable SMB 1.0..
Method 3: Enable Computer Browser, Server and Workstation Services..
Method 4: Map Network Drive Using IP Address..
Bottom Line..

What is error 0x80070035?

The error code 0x80070035 usually occurs if your computer can't find the path of a network that it's connected to. This can prevent proper collaboration between PCs and users of the same home network, thus restricting file sharing. Enabling SMB V1. 0 may be the answer to quickly fixing Error code 0x80070035.

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