Apa maksud dari 33 gb free of 100 gb

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Problem You’ve got an 8GB Flash Drive. It’s completely empty and you want to copy a large file to it, let’s say 5GB. However, you keep getting a message stating ‘not enough free space’, despite the fact there is plenty of ‘free space’ on the Flash Drive.

Why does this message appear?

Most USB Flash Drives are formatted with something called an ‘FAT32 File System’. This system was created in 1995 and, for computer-protection reasons, imposes limitations on copying a file to your Flash Drive if it exceeds 4GB in size – this was a lot of data back in 1995!

However, there is something called the ‘Extended File Allocation Table (ExFAT) created by Microsoft that forms part of our solution for Microsoft Windows users. Here at Flashbay we use ExFAT to format our 64GB models or Flash Drives that have individual files larger than 4GB data preloaded onto them. All of our other drives are formatted with the FAT32 system.

Apa maksud dari 33 gb free of 100 gb

1) Ensure that your USB Flash Drive is empty and you’ve saved your files somewhere safe on your PC or laptop

2) Navigate to your ‘Computer’ folder and right click on your Flash Drive icon and select ‘Format’

3) You will now see a box with a ‘Format’ option. Select ‘ExFAT’ from the dropdown menu. There may also be an option for NTFS, this can also be used in some cases. More information here (in English).

4) Click ‘Start’ and the switch from FAT32 to ExFAT will commence. This will take about 2 minutes.

That’s it. Now you can copy files in excess of 4GB to your Flash Drive, if you have enough space on it of course!

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Apa maksud dari 33 gb free of 100 gb
Author: Sam Sanchez

Hi Dave

The 'missing' space is likely being taken up with System Restore. The restore points are kept in the System Volume Information folder which is, by necessity, a 'super hidden' folder that does not get counted when you try to determine disk space by selecting all of the files on the System Volume drive.

I know you said that you disabled System Restore, but try the following.

Here is how you can recover this space and prevent this from happening again.

Use Disk Cleanup to delete all but the latest System Restore Points.

Go to Start and type  cleanmgr.exe   in the Search Box.

Press Enter.

In the Disk Cleanup dialog:

Select Files from all users on this computer.

Click the C: drive and click OK.

The wizard will take a minute or more to audit the files.

Leave all of the default check boxes selected.

Click the More Options Tab.

In the System Restore and Shadow Copy section, select the Clean Up button.

In the confirmation box, select the Delete button.

Click OK.

After Open Windows Explorer and check the properties, used and free space, of the System Drive. You should see a huge increase in the free space.

Next, you need to restrict the amount of disk space that is allocated to System Restore.

By default, Vista will allocate 15% of the entire system volume or 30% of the free space on that volume for system restore and shadow copy.

**NOTE: All of the following commands should be entered exactly as shown, including the spaces.

Go to Start / All Programs / Accessories, right click the Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.

Click Continue on the UAC prompt.

To see the currently allocated space available for System Restore, enter this command.

vssadmin list shadowstorage

Press Enter.

The output will look similar to the following.

Used Shadow Copy Storage space: x.xxx GB  Allocated Shadow Copy Storage space: x.xxx GB  

Maximum Shadow Copy Storage space: xx GB

I recommended 'maximum size' be set to no more than 5% of a system volume that is 100GB or less and 4% of any system volume over 100GB.

To change this, enter the following command.

vssadmin resize shadowstorage /For=C: /On=C: /MaxSize=xxGB

Press Enter.

This command assumes that "C:" is the system volume letter and "xx" is the maximum size you wish to set.

If this post helps to resolve your issue, click the Mark as Answer button at the top of this message.

Ronnie Vernon Microsoft MVP

Windows Desktop Experience

I've been searching for a good answer as to what is in this section of storage. Most say that it's the OS and System updates; however, I have 33GB in "Other" in my system storage. I have a bunch of games and I'm running into issues updating games because of storage capacity. Needless to say, I'm trying to get rid of some of that 33GB...Hooowww!?!?!?!

Thanks in advance!

Page 2

Apa maksud dari 33 gb free of 100 gb




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BARU PAKET THREE DATA HAPPY 33GB FULL 30 HARI TANPA PEMBAGIAN, langsung injek gak pakai pulsa. WAJIB BACA DESKRIPSI YA KAK... - Bukan Voucher atau Inject Kuota - Kita akan mengirimkan pulsa sebesar 100ribu (untuk paket LTE 33GB) dan pulsa 115ribu (untuk paket 66GB) untuk aktivasi paket. - Cara aktivasi akan kita pandu - Cantumkan nomer HP di keterangan atau via chat - DIHARUSKAN NOMOR TRI jangan nomor lain, kalau nomor lain keisi maka kami tidak tanggung jawab. - Dan bila setelah menyertakan nomor tri di chat, JANGAN KASIH NOMOR LAIN lagi sebelum diproses. dikhawatirkan akan terjadi kesalahan. Dan sekali lagi kami tidak bertanggung jawab, kalau agan menyertakan nomor lain lagi di chat. Dikarenakan kami bisa jadi kurang konsen pas mau isi paket kakak. - Bila paket data 66gb seharga 115ribu tidak bisa digunakan, kami sarankan agar agan mengisi lagi pulsa 10ribu untuk membeli 66gb dengan harga 125ribu. DIkarenakan tri yang sedang ubah-ubah harga. AKTIVASI TRI KUOTA LTE 66GB - 6GB reguler all jaringan 30hari - 60GB jaringan 4G 30hari - Full 24 jam tanpa pembagian kuota nasioanal AKTIVASI TRI KUOTA LTE 33GB - 3GB reguler all jaringan 30hari - 30GB jaringan 4G 30hari - Full 24 jam tanpa pembagian kuota nasioanal PAKET MIX COMBO 32GB (paket injek bukan voucher) tulis nomer HP yang mau di isi di keterangan/chat 2GB semua jaringan 30GB jaringan 4GB (pemakaian 1GB per hari) Bonus 30 menit telpon sesama operator Masa aktif 30hari PAKET MIX COMBO 35GB (paket injek bukan voucher) tulis nomer HP yang mau di isi di keterangan/chat 5GB semua jaringan 30GB jaringan 4GB (pemakaian 1GB per hari) Bonus 30 menit telpon sesama operator Masa aktif 30hari PAKET 10GB 4G 30Hari (elektrik) - Kuota 10GB jaringan 4G - Masa aktif 30 hari - Tulis nomer yang mau di isikan di catatan atau infokan via chat (pengisian elektrik/langsung masuk) PAMAX 9GB : - Voucher data dengan kuota regular 24 jam 9 GB PEMBAGIAN: KUOTA REGULER (UTAMA) : 9GB ALL JARINGAN (masa aktif mengikuti masa aktif kartu) -MENAMBAH MASA AKTIF KARTU 30 HARI (jika kartu anda dlm masa tenggang jika diisi vcr ini maka masa aktif kartu bertambah 30 hari) -VCR ini dapat diisi ulang ke semua perdana TRI, seperti cengli, janet, boms, jumbo, aon getmore dan lain2 BIG KUOTA 150GB (ELEKTRIK) Rincian : - 25GB untuk semua jaringan 24 jam + - 55GB (Weekend) + - 70GB (Pukul 01,00 – 17.00) - Masa aktif 30 Hari BIG KUOTA 117GB (ELEKTRIK) Rincian : - 17GB untuk semua jaringan 24 jam + - 40GB (Weekend) + - 60GB (Pukul 01,00 – 17.00) - Masa aktif 30 Hari #three #Voucherthree #LTE three #three33GB #TRI33GB

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Apa maksud dari 33 gb free of 100 gb


Yang pasti toko ini sangat fast respon.. saya suka saya suka

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Suka, gercep banget tokonya, udah berlangganan dari lama..

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Apa maksud dari 33 gb free of 100 gb


Selalu beli kuota disinii, cepet banget responsnya dan dibantu sampe bisa

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